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Credentials.cpp File Reference
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 The namespace containing all OLA symbols.


Get / Set User ID
bool ola::SupportsUIDs ()
 Check whether the current platform supports User and Group IDs. More...
bool ola::GetUID (uid_t *uid)
 Get the real UID of the process. More...
bool ola::GetEUID (uid_t *euid)
 Get the effective UID of the process. More...
bool ola::SetUID (uid_t new_uid)
 Set the effective UID of the process. More...
Get / Set Group ID
bool ola::GetGID (gid_t *gid)
 Get the real Group ID. More...
bool ola::GetEGID (gid_t *egid)
 Get the effective group ID. More...
bool ola::SetGID (gid_t new_gid)
 Set the effective Group ID of the process. More...
Get / Set supplementary group IDs
int ola::GetGroups (int size, gid_t list[])
 Get the supplementary group ID's of the process. More...
bool ola::SetGroups (size_t size, const gid_t *list)
 Set the supplementary group ID's of the process. More...
Lookup User Information
bool ola::GetPasswdName (const std::string &name, PasswdEntry *passwd)
 Lookup a user account by username. More...
bool ola::GetPasswdUID (uid_t uid, PasswdEntry *passwd)
 Lookup a user account by UID. More...
Lookup Group Information.
bool ola::GetGroupName (const std::string &name, GroupEntry *passwd)
 Lookup a group account by name. More...
bool ola::GetGroupGID (gid_t gid, GroupEntry *passwd)
 Lookup a group account by GID. More...