Open Lighting Architecture
▼HTTP | HTTP related functionality for the web server |
HTTP Server | The HTTP server |
JSON | JSON based APIs |
OLA Internals | This group holds code specific to how the internals of OLA work |
▼RDM | E1.20 (Remote Device Management) |
RDM Messages | Construct and dissect RDM messages |
Responders | Code related to RDM responders |
Controllers | Code related to RDM controllers |
Helpers and Constants | RDM Helper functions, constants and enumerations |
Parameter IDs | A flexible system to handle RDM parameter data |
UID | RDM UID Storage and allocation |
RDM API | Old interface for RDM mesage handling |
ACN | Architecture for Control Networks |
Command Line Flags | Command line flag processing |
System Exit Values | Exit codes |
Callbacks | Function objects |
I/O & Event Management | The core event management system |
Stdin Handling | Standard Input Handling |
Network | Network related code |
Credentials | User & Group Information |
Initialization | Functions called during program startup |
Logging | The OLA logging system |
Callback Helpers | A series a Callback helpers that simplify complex behavior |
STL | Various helper functions related to STL classes |