Functions |
void | ola::StringSplit (const std::string &input, std::vector< std::string > &tokens,const std::string &delimiters=" ") |
| Split a string into pieces.
void | ola::StringTrim (std::string *input) |
| Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
void | ola::ShortenString (std::string *input) |
| Truncate the string based on the presence of \0 characters.
bool | ola::StringBeginsWith (const std::string &s, const std::string &prefix) |
| Check if one string is a prefix of another.
bool | ola::StringEndsWith (const std::string &s, const std::string &suffix) |
| Check if one string is a suffix of another.
bool | ola::StripPrefix (std::string *s, const std::string &prefix) |
| Strips a prefix from a string.
bool | ola::StripSuffix (std::string *s, const std::string &suffix) |
| Strips a suffix from a string.
string | ola::IntToString (int i) |
| Convert an int to a string.
string | ola::IntToString (unsigned int i) |
string | ola::IntToHexString (unsigned int i, unsigned int width) |
std::string | ola::IntToHexString (uint8_t i) |
std::string | ola::IntToHexString (uint16_t i) |
std::string | ola::IntToHexString (uint32_t i) |
void | ola::Escape (std::string *original) |
| Escape a string with \ .
string | ola::EscapeString (const std::string &original) |
| Escape a string, returning a copy.
void | ola::ReplaceAll (std::string *original, const std::string &find, const std::string &replace) |
| Replace all instances of the find string with the replace string.
string | ola::EncodeString (const std::string &original) |
| Encode any unprintable characters in a string as hex, returning a copy.
bool | ola::StringToBool (const std::string &value, bool *output) |
| Convert a string to a bool.
bool | ola::StringToBoolTolerant (const std::string &value, bool *output) |
| Convert a string to a bool in a tolerant way.
bool | ola::StringToInt (const std::string &value, unsigned int *output, bool strict=false) |
| Convert a string to a unsigned int.
bool | ola::StringToInt (const std::string &value, uint16_t *output, bool strict=false) |
| Convert a string to a uint16_t.
bool | ola::StringToInt (const std::string &value, uint8_t *output, bool strict=false) |
| Convert a string to a uint8_t.
bool | ola::StringToInt (const std::string &value, int *output, bool strict=false) |
| Convert a string to a int.
bool | ola::StringToInt (const std::string &value, int16_t *output, bool strict=false) |
| Convert a string to a int16_t.
bool | ola::StringToInt (const std::string &value, int8_t *output, bool strict=false) |
| Convert a string to a int8_t.
bool | ola::HexStringToInt (const std::string &value, uint8_t *output) |
| Convert a hex string to a uint8_t.
bool | ola::HexStringToInt (const std::string &value, uint16_t *output) |
| Convert a hex string to a uint16_t.
bool | ola::HexStringToInt (const std::string &value, uint32_t *output) |
| Convert a hex string to a uint32_t.
bool | ola::HexStringToInt (const std::string &value, int8_t *output) |
| Convert a hex string to a int8_t.
bool | ola::HexStringToInt (const std::string &value, int16_t *output) |
| Convert a hex string to a int16_t.
bool | ola::HexStringToInt (const std::string &value, int32_t *output) |
| Convert a hex string to a int32_t.
void | ola::ToLower (std::string *s) |
| Convert a string to lower case.
void | ola::ToUpper (std::string *s) |
| Convert a string to upper case.
void | ola::CapitalizeLabel (std::string *s) |
| Transform a string to a pretty-printed form.
void | ola::CustomCapitalizeLabel (std::string *s) |
| Similar to CapitalizeLabel() but this also capitalized known acronyms.
void | ola::FormatData (std::ostream *out, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int length, unsigned int indent=0, unsigned int byte_per_line=8) |
| Write binary data to an ostream in a human readable form.
template<typename int_type > |
bool | ola::PrefixedHexStringToInt (const std::string &input, int_type *output) |
template<typename T > |
std::string | ola::StringJoin (const std::string &delim, const T &input) |
| Join a vector of a type.