![]() |
Open Lighting Architecture
The namespace containing all OLA symbols.
Namespaces | |
namespace | acn |
ACN related code. | |
namespace | client |
OLA C++ API. | |
namespace | dmx |
DMX512 related code. | |
namespace | e133 |
E1.33 (RDMNet) | |
namespace | http |
The embedded HTTP server. | |
namespace | io |
Classes for general I/O and event handling. | |
namespace | math |
Math helper functions. | |
namespace | messaging |
A framework for serializing simple message structures. | |
namespace | network |
Code for network communication. | |
namespace | plugin |
Code for supported devices and protocols. | |
namespace | rdm |
PLASA E1.20 Remote Device Management. | |
namespace | rpc |
The RPC (Remote Procedure Call) system. | |
namespace | stl |
STL Helper functions. | |
namespace | testing |
Code used for unit testing. | |
namespace | thread |
Threads and syncronization mechanisms. | |
namespace | timecode |
Timecode. | |
namespace | web |
Classes to deal with web services. |
Classes | |
class | Action |
class | ActionQueue |
class | ArrayDeleter |
Deletes an array when it goes out of scope. More... | |
struct | PasswdEntry |
Contains information about a user. More... | |
struct | GroupEntry |
Contains information about a group. More... | |
class | FlagInterface |
The interface for the Flag classes. More... | |
class | BaseFlag |
The common implementation. More... | |
class | Flag |
A templated Flag class. More... | |
class | Flag< bool > |
a bool flag More... | |
class | Flag< std::string > |
a string flag More... | |
class | FlagRegistry |
This class holds all the flags, and is responsbile for parsing the command line. More... | |
class | FlagRegisterer |
This class is responsible for registering a flag. More... | |
class | BaseCallback0 |
The base class for all 0 argument callbacks. More... | |
class | Callback0 |
A 0 argument callback which can be called multiple times. More... | |
class | SingleUseCallback0 |
A 0 argument callback which deletes itself after it's run. More... | |
class | SingleUseCallback0< void > |
A 0 arg, single use callback that returns void. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback0_0 |
A Function callback with 0 create-time args and 0 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback0_0 |
A Method callback with 0 create-time args and 0 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback1_0 |
A Function callback with 1 create-time args and 0 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback1_0 |
A Method callback with 1 create-time args and 0 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback2_0 |
A Function callback with 2 create-time args and 0 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback2_0 |
A Method callback with 2 create-time args and 0 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback3_0 |
A Function callback with 3 create-time args and 0 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback3_0 |
A Method callback with 3 create-time args and 0 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback4_0 |
A Function callback with 4 create-time args and 0 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback4_0 |
A Method callback with 4 create-time args and 0 exec time args. More... | |
class | BaseCallback1 |
The base class for all 1 argument callbacks. More... | |
class | Callback1 |
A 1 argument callback which can be called multiple times. More... | |
class | SingleUseCallback1 |
A 1 argument callback which deletes itself after it's run. More... | |
class | SingleUseCallback1< void, Arg0 > |
A 1 arg, single use callback that returns void. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback0_1 |
A Function callback with 0 create-time args and 1 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback0_1 |
A Method callback with 0 create-time args and 1 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback1_1 |
A Function callback with 1 create-time args and 1 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback1_1 |
A Method callback with 1 create-time args and 1 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback2_1 |
A Function callback with 2 create-time args and 1 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback2_1 |
A Method callback with 2 create-time args and 1 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback3_1 |
A Function callback with 3 create-time args and 1 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback3_1 |
A Method callback with 3 create-time args and 1 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback4_1 |
A Function callback with 4 create-time args and 1 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback4_1 |
A Method callback with 4 create-time args and 1 exec time args. More... | |
class | BaseCallback2 |
The base class for all 2 argument callbacks. More... | |
class | Callback2 |
A 2 argument callback which can be called multiple times. More... | |
class | SingleUseCallback2 |
A 2 argument callback which deletes itself after it's run. More... | |
class | SingleUseCallback2< void, Arg0, Arg1 > |
A 2 arg, single use callback that returns void. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback0_2 |
A Function callback with 0 create-time args and 2 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback0_2 |
A Method callback with 0 create-time args and 2 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback1_2 |
A Function callback with 1 create-time args and 2 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback1_2 |
A Method callback with 1 create-time args and 2 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback2_2 |
A Function callback with 2 create-time args and 2 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback2_2 |
A Method callback with 2 create-time args and 2 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback3_2 |
A Function callback with 3 create-time args and 2 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback3_2 |
A Method callback with 3 create-time args and 2 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback4_2 |
A Function callback with 4 create-time args and 2 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback4_2 |
A Method callback with 4 create-time args and 2 exec time args. More... | |
class | BaseCallback3 |
The base class for all 3 argument callbacks. More... | |
class | Callback3 |
A 3 argument callback which can be called multiple times. More... | |
class | SingleUseCallback3 |
A 3 argument callback which deletes itself after it's run. More... | |
class | SingleUseCallback3< void, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > |
A 3 arg, single use callback that returns void. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback0_3 |
A Function callback with 0 create-time args and 3 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback0_3 |
A Method callback with 0 create-time args and 3 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback1_3 |
A Function callback with 1 create-time args and 3 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback1_3 |
A Method callback with 1 create-time args and 3 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback2_3 |
A Function callback with 2 create-time args and 3 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback2_3 |
A Method callback with 2 create-time args and 3 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback3_3 |
A Function callback with 3 create-time args and 3 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback3_3 |
A Method callback with 3 create-time args and 3 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback4_3 |
A Function callback with 4 create-time args and 3 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback4_3 |
A Method callback with 4 create-time args and 3 exec time args. More... | |
class | BaseCallback4 |
The base class for all 4 argument callbacks. More... | |
class | Callback4 |
A 4 argument callback which can be called multiple times. More... | |
class | SingleUseCallback4 |
A 4 argument callback which deletes itself after it's run. More... | |
class | SingleUseCallback4< void, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > |
A 4 arg, single use callback that returns void. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback0_4 |
A Function callback with 0 create-time args and 4 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback0_4 |
A Method callback with 0 create-time args and 4 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback1_4 |
A Function callback with 1 create-time args and 4 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback1_4 |
A Method callback with 1 create-time args and 4 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback2_4 |
A Function callback with 2 create-time args and 4 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback2_4 |
A Method callback with 2 create-time args and 4 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback3_4 |
A Function callback with 3 create-time args and 4 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback3_4 |
A Method callback with 3 create-time args and 4 exec time args. More... | |
class | FunctionCallback4_4 |
A Function callback with 4 create-time args and 4 exec time args. More... | |
class | MethodCallback4_4 |
A Method callback with 4 create-time args and 4 exec time args. More... | |
class | CallbackRunner |
Automatically execute a callback when it goes out of scope. More... | |
class | BaseTimeVal |
class | TimeInterval |
class | TimeStamp |
class | Clock |
Used to get the current time. More... | |
class | MockClock |
class | DmxBuffer |
Used to hold a single universe of DMX data. More... | |
class | BaseVariable |
The base variable class. More... | |
struct | VariableLessThan |
class | BoolVariable |
A boolean variable. More... | |
class | StringVariable |
class | IntegerVariable |
class | CounterVariable |
class | MapVariable |
class | IntMap |
class | UIntMap |
class | ExportMap |
A container for the exported variables. More... | |
class | LogDestination |
The base class for log destinations. More... | |
class | StdErrorLogDestination |
A LogDestination that writes to stderr. More... | |
class | SyslogDestination |
An abstract base of LogDestination that writes to syslog. More... | |
class | UnixSyslogDestination |
A SyslogDestination that writes to Unix syslog. More... | |
class | MultiCallback |
The MultiCallback class takes a limit & a callback. When the Run() method is called limit times, the callback is executed and the MultiCallback object deleted. More... | |
class | BackOffPolicy |
class | ConstantBackoffPolicy |
class | LinearBackoffPolicy |
class | ExponentialBackoffPolicy |
class | BackoffGenerator |
class | SequenceNumber |
SequenceNumber, this ensures that we increment the sequence number whenever we go to use it. More... | |
class | Watchdog |
Detects if an operation stalls. More... | |
class | AbstractDevice |
class | Device |
class | DmxSource |
class | AbstractPlugin |
struct | PluginLessThan |
class | Plugin |
class | PluginAdaptor |
class | Port |
The base port class. More... | |
class | InputPort |
A port that receives DMX512 data. More... | |
class | OutputPort |
A port that sends DMX512 data. More... | |
class | BasicInputPort |
class | BasicOutputPort |
class | PortBrokerInterface |
class | PortBroker |
class | Validator |
class | StringValidator |
class | SetValidator |
class | BoolValidator |
class | UIntValidator |
class | IntValidator |
class | IPv4Validator |
class | Preferences |
class | PreferencesFactory |
class | MemoryPreferences |
class | MemoryPreferencesFactory |
class | FilePreferenceSaverThread |
class | FileBackedPreferences |
class | FileBackedPreferencesFactory |
class | TokenBucket |
class | Universe |
class | OlaCallbackClient |
The legacy callback client. More... | |
struct | EntryGroupParams |
class | AvahiDiscoveryAgent |
An implementation of DiscoveryAgentInterface that uses the Avahi client library. More... | |
class | DNSSDDescriptor |
class | BonjourDiscoveryAgent |
An implementation of DiscoveryAgentInterface that uses the Apple dns_sd.h library. More... | |
class | Client |
Represents a connected OLA client on the OLA server side. More... | |
class | ClientBroker |
Handles async client operations. More... | |
class | device_alias_pair |
class | DeviceManager |
Keeps track of OLA's devices. More... | |
class | DiscoveryAgentInterface |
The interface to DNS-SD operations like register, browse etc. More... | |
class | DiscoveryAgentFactory |
A Factory which produces implementations of DiscoveryAgentInterface. More... | |
class | DynamicPluginLoader |
A PluginLoader which loads from shared (dynamic) libraries. More... | |
class | BaseHttpAction |
class | SetNameAction |
class | SetMergeModeAction |
class | PatchPortAction |
class | PortPriorityInheritAction |
class | PortPriorityStaticAction |
class | OlaDaemon |
class | OladHTTPServer |
class | OlaServer |
The main OlaServer class. More... | |
class | OlaServerServiceImpl |
The OLA Server RPC methods. More... | |
class | PluginLoader |
The interface used to load plugins. More... | |
class | PluginManager |
The manager of plugins. More... | |
class | PortManager |
Responsible for performing Port operations. More... | |
class | RDMHTTPModule |
class | UniverseStore |
Maintains a collection of Universe objects. More... | |
class | FileGenerator |
class | CppGenerator |
class | ServiceGenerator |
Typedefs | |
typedef MapVariable< std::string > | StringMap |
typedef ola::client::GenericClientWrapper < OlaCallbackClient > | OlaCallbackClientWrapper |
A ClientWrapper that uses the OlaCallbackClient. | |
typedef ola::client::OlaDevice | OlaDevice |
typedef ola::client::OlaInputPort | OlaInputPort |
typedef ola::client::OlaOutputPort | OlaOutputPort |
typedef ola::client::OlaPlugin | OlaPlugin |
typedef ola::client::OlaPort | OlaPort |
typedef ola::client::OlaUniverse | OlaUniverse |
typedef ola::client::StreamingClient | StreamingClient |
typedef int | OladHTTPServer_t |
typedef CallbackRunner < ola::rpc::RpcService::CompletionCallback > | ClosureRunner |
Enumerations | |
enum | { DMX_UNIVERSE_SIZE = 512 } |
The number of slots in a DMX512 universe. More... | |
The OLA log levels. This controls the verbosity of logging. Each level also includes those below it. More... | |
enum | log_output { OLA_LOG_STDERR, OLA_LOG_SYSLOG, OLA_LOG_NULL } |
The destination to write log messages to. More... | |
Defines the different priority modes that OLA supports. More... | |
enum | port_priority_capability { CAPABILITY_NONE, CAPABILITY_STATIC, CAPABILITY_FULL } |
Defines the priority capability of a Port. More... | |
enum | PatchAction { PATCH, UNPATCH } |
enum | RegisterAction { REGISTER, UNREGISTER } |
enum | PortDirection { INPUT_PORT, OUTPUT_PORT } |
Functions | |
bool | GetEnv (const std::string &var, std::string *value) |
Get the value of an environment variable. | |
void | SetHelpString (const std::string &first_line, const std::string &description) |
Set the help string for the program. | |
void | DisplayUsage () |
Print the usage text to stdout. | |
void | DisplayUsageAndExit () |
Print the usage text to stdout then exit. | |
void | DisplayVersion () |
Print the version text to stdout. | |
void | GenManPage () |
void | ParseFlags (int *argc, char **argv) |
Parses the command line flags up to the first non-flag value. argv is re-arranged so that it only contains non-flag arguments. | |
bool | ServerInit (int argc, char *argv[], ExportMap *export_map) |
Used to initialize a server. | |
bool | ServerInit (int *argc, char *argv[], ExportMap *export_map, const std::string &first_line, const std::string &description) |
Used to initialize a server. Installs the SEGV handler, initializes the random number generator and populates the export map. Also sets the help string for the program, parses flags and initialises logging from flags. | |
bool | AppInit (int *argc, char *argv[], const std::string &first_line, const std::string &description) |
Used to initialize a application. Installs the SEGV handler and initializes the random number generator, sets the help string for the program, parses flags and initialises logging from flags. | |
bool | NetworkInit () |
Perform platform-specific initialization of the networking subsystem. | |
bool | InstallSignal (int signal, void(*fp)(int signo)) |
Install a signal handler. | |
bool | InstallSEGVHandler () |
Install signal handlers to deal with SIGBUS & SIGSEGV. | |
void | InitExportMap (int argc, char *argv[], ExportMap *export_map) |
Populate the ExportMap with a couple of basic variables. | |
void | Daemonise () |
Run as a daemon. | |
void | SetLogLevel (log_level level) |
Set the logging level. | |
void | IncrementLogLevel () |
Increment the log level by one. The log level wraps to OLA_LOG_NONE. | |
bool | InitLoggingFromFlags () |
Initialize the OLA logging system from flags. | |
bool | InitLogging (log_level level, log_output output) |
Initialize the OLA logging system. | |
void | InitLogging (log_level level, LogDestination *destination) |
Initialize the OLA logging system using the specified LogDestination. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DmxBuffer &data) |
Stream operator to allow DmxBuffer to be output to stdout. | |
void | StringSplit (const std::string &input, std::vector< std::string > *tokens, const std::string &delimiters=" ") |
Split a string into pieces. | |
void | StringTrim (std::string *input) |
Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string. | |
void | ShortenString (std::string *input) |
Truncate the string based on the presence of \0 characters. | |
bool | StringBeginsWith (const std::string &s, const std::string &prefix) |
Check if one string is a prefix of another. | |
bool | StringEndsWith (const std::string &s, const std::string &suffix) |
Check if one string is a suffix of another. | |
bool | StripPrefix (std::string *s, const std::string &prefix) |
Strips a prefix from a string. | |
bool | StripSuffix (std::string *s, const std::string &suffix) |
Strips a suffix from a string. | |
string | IntToHexString (unsigned int i, unsigned int width) |
bool | StringToBool (const std::string &value, bool *output) |
Convert a string to a bool. | |
bool | StringToBoolTolerant (const std::string &value, bool *output) |
Convert a string to a bool in a tolerant way. | |
bool | StringToInt (const std::string &value, unsigned int *output, bool strict=false) |
Convert a string to a unsigned int. | |
bool | StringToInt (const std::string &value, uint16_t *output, bool strict=false) |
Convert a string to a uint16_t. | |
bool | StringToInt (const std::string &value, uint8_t *output, bool strict=false) |
Convert a string to a uint8_t. | |
bool | StringToInt (const std::string &value, int *output, bool strict=false) |
Convert a string to a int. | |
bool | StringToInt (const std::string &value, int16_t *output, bool strict=false) |
Convert a string to a int16_t. | |
bool | StringToInt (const std::string &value, int8_t *output, bool strict=false) |
Convert a string to a int8_t. | |
void | Escape (std::string *original) |
Escape a string with \ . | |
string | EscapeString (const std::string &original) |
Escape a string, returning a copy. | |
string | EncodeString (const std::string &original) |
Encode any unprintable characters in a string as hex, returning a copy. | |
void | ReplaceAll (std::string *original, const std::string &find, const std::string &replace) |
Replace all instances of the find string with the replace string. | |
bool | HexStringToInt (const std::string &value, uint8_t *output) |
Convert a hex string to a uint8_t. | |
bool | HexStringToInt (const std::string &value, uint16_t *output) |
Convert a hex string to a uint16_t. | |
bool | HexStringToInt (const std::string &value, uint32_t *output) |
Convert a hex string to a uint32_t. | |
bool | HexStringToInt (const std::string &value, int8_t *output) |
Convert a hex string to a int8_t. | |
bool | HexStringToInt (const std::string &value, int16_t *output) |
Convert a hex string to a int16_t. | |
bool | HexStringToInt (const std::string &value, int32_t *output) |
Convert a hex string to a int32_t. | |
void | ToLower (std::string *s) |
Convert a string to lower case. | |
void | ToUpper (std::string *s) |
Convert a string to upper case. | |
void | CapitalizeLabel (std::string *s) |
Transform a string to a pretty-printed form. | |
void | CustomCapitalizeLabel (std::string *s) |
Similar to CapitalizeLabel() but this also capitalized known acronyms. | |
FlagRegistry * | GetRegistry () |
Get the global FlagRegistry. | |
template<typename ReturnType > | |
SingleUseCallback0< ReturnType > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)()) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 0 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType > | |
Callback0< ReturnType > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)()) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 0 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType > | |
SingleUseCallback0< ReturnType > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)()) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 0 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType > | |
Callback0< ReturnType > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)()) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 0 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 > | |
SingleUseCallback0< ReturnType > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 1 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 > | |
Callback0< ReturnType > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 1 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 > | |
SingleUseCallback0< ReturnType > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 1 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 > | |
Callback0< ReturnType > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 1 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 > | |
SingleUseCallback0< ReturnType > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 2 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 > | |
Callback0< ReturnType > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 2 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 > | |
SingleUseCallback0< ReturnType > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 2 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 > | |
Callback0< ReturnType > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 2 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 > | |
SingleUseCallback0< ReturnType > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 3 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 > | |
Callback0< ReturnType > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 3 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 > | |
SingleUseCallback0< ReturnType > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 3 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 > | |
Callback0< ReturnType > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 3 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 > | |
SingleUseCallback0< ReturnType > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, A3), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 4 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 > | |
Callback0< ReturnType > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, A3), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 4 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 > | |
SingleUseCallback0< ReturnType > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 4 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 > | |
Callback0< ReturnType > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 4 create-time arguments and 0 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 > | |
SingleUseCallback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(Arg0)) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 0 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 > | |
Callback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(Arg0)) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 0 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 > | |
SingleUseCallback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(Arg0)) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 0 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 > | |
Callback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(Arg0)) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 0 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 > | |
SingleUseCallback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, Arg0), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 1 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 > | |
Callback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, Arg0), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 1 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 > | |
SingleUseCallback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, Arg0), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 1 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 > | |
Callback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, Arg0), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 1 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 > | |
SingleUseCallback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, Arg0), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 2 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 > | |
Callback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, Arg0), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 2 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 > | |
SingleUseCallback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, Arg0), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 2 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 > | |
Callback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, Arg0), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 2 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 > | |
SingleUseCallback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 3 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 > | |
Callback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 3 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 > | |
SingleUseCallback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 3 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 > | |
Callback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 3 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 > | |
SingleUseCallback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 4 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 > | |
Callback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 4 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 > | |
SingleUseCallback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 4 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 > | |
Callback1< ReturnType, Arg0 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 4 create-time arguments and 1 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
SingleUseCallback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(Arg0, Arg1)) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 0 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
Callback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(Arg0, Arg1)) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 0 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
SingleUseCallback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(Arg0, Arg1)) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 0 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
Callback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(Arg0, Arg1)) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 0 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
SingleUseCallback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 1 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
Callback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 1 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
SingleUseCallback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 1 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
Callback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 1 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
SingleUseCallback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 2 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
Callback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 2 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
SingleUseCallback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 2 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
Callback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 2 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
SingleUseCallback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 3 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
Callback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 3 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
SingleUseCallback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 3 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
Callback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 3 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
SingleUseCallback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 4 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
Callback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 4 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
SingleUseCallback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 4 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 > | |
Callback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0, Arg1), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 4 create-time arguments and 2 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
SingleUseCallback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(Arg0, Arg1, Arg2)) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 0 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
Callback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(Arg0, Arg1, Arg2)) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 0 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
SingleUseCallback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(Arg0, Arg1, Arg2)) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 0 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
Callback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(Arg0, Arg1, Arg2)) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 0 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
SingleUseCallback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 1 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
Callback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 1 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
SingleUseCallback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 1 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
Callback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 1 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
SingleUseCallback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 2 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
Callback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 2 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
SingleUseCallback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 2 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
Callback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 2 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
SingleUseCallback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 3 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
Callback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 3 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
SingleUseCallback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 3 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
Callback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 3 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
SingleUseCallback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 4 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
Callback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 4 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
SingleUseCallback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 4 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 > | |
Callback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 4 create-time arguments and 3 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
SingleUseCallback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 0 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
Callback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 0 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
SingleUseCallback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 0 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
Callback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 0 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
SingleUseCallback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 1 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
Callback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 1 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
SingleUseCallback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 1 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
Callback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 1 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
SingleUseCallback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 2 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
Callback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 2 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
SingleUseCallback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 2 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
Callback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0, A1 a1) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 2 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
SingleUseCallback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 3 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
Callback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 3 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
SingleUseCallback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 3 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
Callback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 3 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
SingleUseCallback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewSingleCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 4 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
Callback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewCallback (ReturnType(*callback)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 4 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
SingleUseCallback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewSingleCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new SingleUseCallback with 4 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
template<typename Class , typename ReturnType , typename A0 , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename Arg0 , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 > | |
Callback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > * | NewCallback (Class *object, ReturnType(Class::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3), A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) |
A helper function to create a new Callback with 4 create-time arguments and 4 execution time arguments. | |
log_level | LogLevel () |
Fetch the current level of logging. | |
BaseCallback0< void > * | NewMultiCallback (unsigned int limit, BaseCallback0< void > *callback) |
A helper function to create a new MultiCallback. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | STLEmptyStack (T *stack) |
Clear a stack. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | STLEmptyStackAndDelete (T *stack) |
Clear a stack and delete all pointers.. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | STLDeleteElements (T *sequence) |
Delete the elements of a Sequence. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | STLDeleteValues (T *container) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > | |
bool | STLContains (const T1 &container, const T2 &value) |
template<typename T1 > | |
void | STLKeys (const T1 &container, std::vector< typename T1::key_type > *keys) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > | |
void | STLValues (const T1 &container, std::vector< T2 > *values) |
Extract a vector of values from a pair associative container. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
T1::mapped_type * | STLFind (T1 *container, const typename T1::key_type &key) |
Lookup a value by key in a associative container. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
T1::mapped_type const * | STLFind (const T1 *container, const typename T1::key_type &key) |
Lookup a value by key in a associative container. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
T1::mapped_type | STLFindOrNull (const T1 &container, const typename T1::key_type &key) |
Lookup a value by key in a associative container. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
bool | STLReplace (T1 *container, const typename T1::key_type &key, const typename T1::mapped_type &value) |
Replace a value in a pair associative container, inserting the key, value if it doesn't already exist. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
T1::mapped_type | STLReplacePtr (T1 *container, const typename T1::key_type &key, const typename T1::mapped_type &value) |
Replace a value in a pair associative container. If the key existed, the old value is returned, otherwise NULL is returned. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
bool | STLReplaceAndDelete (T1 *container, const typename T1::key_type &key, const typename T1::mapped_type &value) |
Similar to STLReplace but this will delete the value if the replacement occurs. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
bool | STLInsertIfNotPresent (T1 *container, const typename T1::value_type &key_value) |
Insert a value into a container only if this value doesn't already exist. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
bool | STLInsertIfNotPresent (T1 *container, const typename T1::key_type &key, const typename T1::mapped_type &value) |
Insert a value into a container only if this value doesn't already exist. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
void | STLInsertOrDie (T1 *container, const typename T1::key_type &key, const typename T1::mapped_type &value) |
Insert an key : value into a pair associative container, or abort the program if the key already exists. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
bool | STLRemove (T1 *container, const typename T1::key_type &key) |
Remove a key / value from a container. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
bool | STLLookupAndRemove (T1 *container, const typename T1::key_type &key, typename T1::mapped_type *value) |
Lookup and remove a key from a pair associative container. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
T1::iterator | STLLookupOrInsertNull (T1 *container, const typename T1::key_type &key) |
Lookup or insert a NULL value into a pair associative container. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
void | PairAssociativeAssignNew (T1 **location) |
template<typename T1 > | |
T1::iterator | STLLookupOrInsertNew (T1 *container, const typename T1::key_type &key) |
Lookup or insert a new object into a pair associative container. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
bool | STLRemoveAndDelete (T1 *container, const typename T1::key_type &key) |
Remove a value from a pair associative container and delete it. | |
template<typename T1 > | |
T1::mapped_type | STLLookupAndRemovePtr (T1 *container, const typename T1::key_type &key) |
Remove a value from a pair associative container and return the value. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > | |
void | STLMapFromKeys (T1 *output, const T2 input, typename T1::mapped_type value) |
void | StringSplit (const std::string &input, std::vector< std::string > &tokens, const std::string &delimiters=" ") |
Split a string into pieces. | |
std::string | IntToString (int i) |
Convert an int to a string. | |
std::string | IntToString (unsigned int i) |
std::string | IntToHexString (uint8_t i) |
std::string | IntToHexString (uint16_t i) |
std::string | IntToHexString (uint32_t i) |
template<typename int_type > | |
int_type | StringToIntOrDefault (const std::string &value, int_type alternative, bool strict=false) |
Convert a string to an int type or return a default if it failed. | |
void | FormatData (std::ostream *out, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int length, unsigned int indent=0, unsigned int byte_per_line=8) |
Write binary data to an ostream in a human readable form. | |
template<typename int_type > | |
bool | PrefixedHexStringToInt (const std::string &input, int_type *output) |
Convert a hex string, prefixed with 0x or 0X to an int type. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | StringJoin (const std::string &delim, const T &input) |
Join a vector of a type. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | Deleter (T *t) |
Delete a pointer. | |
template<typename T > | |
SingleUseCallback0< void > * | DeletePointerCallback (T *t) |
Create a callback that deletes the object. | |
template<class PortClass > | |
bool | IsInputPort () |
This allows switching based on Port type. | |
template<> | |
bool | IsInputPort< OutputPort > () |
static std::string | MakeServiceKey (const std::string &service_name, const std::string &type) |
static void | RegisterCallback (DNSServiceRef service, DNSServiceFlags flags, DNSServiceErrorType error_code, const char *name, const char *type, const char *domain, void *context) |
bool | operator< (const device_alias_pair &left, const device_alias_pair &right) |
template<> | |
bool | IsInputPort< InputPort > () |
string | ClassName (const Descriptor *descriptor, bool qualified) |
string | StripProto (const string &filename) |
string | FilenameIdentifier (const string &filename) |
string | GlobalAddDescriptorsName (const string &filename) |
string | GlobalAssignDescriptorsName (const string &filename) |
string | ClassName (const google::protobuf::Descriptor *descriptor, bool qualified) |
bool | HasDescriptorMethods (const google::protobuf::FileDescriptor *file) |
void | StringReplace (const string &s, const string &oldsub, const string &newsub, bool replace_all, string *res) |
string | StringReplace (const string &s, const string &oldsub, const string &newsub, bool replace_all) |
template<typename ITR > | |
static void | SplitStringToIteratorUsing (const string &full, const char *delim, ITR *result) |
void | SplitStringUsing (const string &full, const char *delim, vector< string > *result) |
char * | FastInt64ToBuffer (int64_t i, char *buffer) |
char * | FastInt32ToBuffer (int32_t i, char *buffer) |
char * | FastHexToBuffer (int i, char *buffer) |
char * | InternalFastHexToBuffer (uint64_t value, char *buffer, int num_byte) |
char * | FastHex64ToBuffer (uint64_t value, char *buffer) |
char * | FastHex32ToBuffer (uint32_t value, char *buffer) |
char * | FastUInt32ToBufferLeft (uint32_t u, char *buffer) |
char * | FastInt32ToBufferLeft (int32_t i, char *buffer) |
char * | FastUInt64ToBufferLeft (uint64_t u64, char *buffer) |
char * | FastInt64ToBufferLeft (int64_t i, char *buffer) |
string | SimpleItoa (int i) |
string | SimpleItoa (unsigned int i) |
string | SimpleItoa (long i) |
string | SimpleItoa (unsigned long i) |
string | SimpleItoa (long long i) |
string | SimpleItoa (unsigned long long i) |
bool | ascii_isalnum (char c) |
bool | ascii_isdigit (char c) |
bool | HasSuffixString (const string &str, const string &suffix) |
string | StripSuffixString (const string &str, const string &suffix) |
char * | FastUInt32ToBuffer (uint32_t i, char *buffer) |
char * | FastUInt64ToBuffer (uint64_t i, char *buffer) |
Get / Set User ID | |
bool | SupportsUIDs () |
Check whether the current platform supports User and Group IDs. | |
bool | GetUID (uid_t *uid) |
Get the real UID of the process. | |
bool | GetEUID (uid_t *euid) |
Get the effective UID of the process. | |
bool | SetUID (uid_t new_uid) |
Set the effective UID of the process. | |
Get / Set Group ID | |
bool | GetGID (gid_t *gid) |
Get the real Group ID. | |
bool | GetEGID (gid_t *egid) |
Get the effective group ID. | |
bool | SetGID (gid_t new_gid) |
Set the effective Group ID of the process. | |
Lookup User Information | |
bool | GetPasswdName (const std::string &name, PasswdEntry *passwd) |
Lookup a user account by username. | |
bool | GetPasswdUID (uid_t uid, PasswdEntry *passwd) |
Lookup a user account by UID. | |
Lookup Group Information. | |
bool | GetGroupName (const std::string &name, GroupEntry *passwd) |
Lookup a group account by name. | |
bool | GetGroupGID (gid_t gid, GroupEntry *passwd) |
Lookup a group account by GID. |
Variables | |
const int | EXIT_OK = EX_OK |
successful termination | |
const int | EXIT__BASE = EX__BASE |
base value for error messages | |
const int | EXIT_USAGE = EX_USAGE |
command line usage error | |
data format error | |
cannot open input | |
const int | EXIT_NOUSER = EX_NOUSER |
addresses unknown | |
const int | EXIT_NOHOST = EX_NOHOST |
host name unknown | |
service unavailable | |
internal software error | |
const int | EXIT_OSERR = EX_OSERR |
system error (e.g can't fork) | |
const int | EXIT_OSFILE = EX_OSFILE |
critical OS file missing | |
can't create (user) output file | |
const int | EXIT_IOERR = EX_IOERR |
input/output error | |
temp faliure; user can rety | |
remote error in protocol | |
const int | EXIT_NOPERM = EX_NOPERM |
permission denied | |
const int | EXIT_CONFIG = EX_CONFIG |
configuration error | |
const int | EXIT__MAX = EX__MAX |
maximum listed value | |
static const int | USEC_IN_SECONDS = 1000000 |
static const int | ONE_THOUSAND = 1000 |
static const uint8_t | DMX_MIN_SLOT_VALUE = 0 |
The minimum value a DMX512 slot can take. | |
static const uint8_t | DMX_MAX_SLOT_VALUE = 255 |
The maximum value a DMX512 slot can take. | |
static const uint8_t | DMX512_START_CODE = 0 |
The start code for DMX512 data. This is often referred to as NSC for "Null Start Code". | |
static const int | OLA_DEFAULT_PORT = 9010 |
The default port which olad listens on for incoming RPC connections. | |
static const char | OLA_DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME [] = "OLA Server" |
The default instance name for olad. | |
static const uint16_t | OPEN_LIGHTING_ESTA_CODE = 0x7a70 |
The ESTA manufacturer code for the Open Lighting Project. | |
static const uint32_t | MAX_UNIVERSE = 0xffffffff |
The maximum universe number. | |
log_level | logging_level |
Application global logging level. | |
const char | kThickSeparator [] = "// ===================================================================\n" |
const char | kThinSeparator [] = "// -------------------------------------------------------------------\n" |
static const int | kFastInt64ToBufferOffset = 21 |
static const int | kFastInt32ToBufferOffset = 11 |
static const char | two_ASCII_digits [100][2] |
static const int | kFastToBufferSize = 32 |
A ClientWrapper that uses the OlaCallbackClient.
anonymous enum |
enum ola::log_level |
The OLA log levels. This controls the verbosity of logging. Each level also includes those below it.
enum ola::log_output |
void ola::CapitalizeLabel | ( | std::string * | s | ) |
Transform a string to a pretty-printed form.
Given a label in the form ([a-zA-Z0-9][-_])?[a-zA-Z0-9], this replaces [-_] with [ ] and capitalizes each word. e.g. "my_label" becomes "My Label"
s | a string to transform. |
void ola::CustomCapitalizeLabel | ( | std::string * | s | ) |
Similar to CapitalizeLabel() but this also capitalized known acronyms.
s | a string to transform. The following are capitalized:
SingleUseCallback0<void>* ola::DeletePointerCallback | ( | T * | t | ) |
Create a callback that deletes the object.
T | any type. |
t | The pointer to delete. Ownership is transferred. |
void ola::Deleter | ( | T * | t | ) |
Delete a pointer.
T | any type. |
t | The pointer to delete. Ownership is transferred. |
std::string ola::EncodeString | ( | const std::string & | original | ) |
Encode any unprintable characters in a string as hex, returning a copy.
"foo\\nbar" becomes "foo\\\\x0abar" "foo\\x01test" becomes "foo\\\\x01test"
original | the string to encode. |
void ola::Escape | ( | std::string * | original | ) |
Escape a string with \ .
The string is modified in place according to the grammar from json.org The following characters are escaped:
original | the string to escape |
std::string ola::EscapeString | ( | const std::string & | original | ) |
Escape a string, returning a copy.
original | the string to escape. |
inline |
Write binary data to an ostream in a human readable form.
out | the ostream to write to |
data | pointer to the data |
length | length of the data |
indent | the number of spaces to prefix each line with |
byte_per_line | the number of bytes to display per line |
The data is printed in two columns, hex on the left, ascii on the right. Non ascii values are printed as .
bool ola::GetEnv | ( | const std::string & | var, |
std::string * | value | ||
) |
Get the value of an environment variable.
var | the name of the variable to get | |
[out] | value | the of the variable |
This prefers secure_getenv so it will return false if the environment is untrusted.
bool ola::HexStringToInt | ( | const std::string & | value, |
uint8_t * | output | ||
) |
Convert a hex string to a uint8_t.
The string can contain upper or lower case hex characters.
[in] | value | the string to convert. |
[out] | output | a pointer to the store the converted value in. |
bool ola::HexStringToInt | ( | const std::string & | value, |
uint16_t * | output | ||
) |
Convert a hex string to a uint16_t.
The string can contain upper or lower case hex characters.
[in] | value | the string to convert. |
[out] | output | a pointer to the store the converted value in. |
bool ola::HexStringToInt | ( | const std::string & | value, |
uint32_t * | output | ||
) |
Convert a hex string to a uint32_t.
The string can contain upper or lower case hex characters.
[in] | value | the string to convert. |
[out] | output | a pointer to the store the converted value in. |
bool ola::HexStringToInt | ( | const std::string & | value, |
int8_t * | output | ||
) |
Convert a hex string to a int8_t.
[in] | value | the string to convert. |
[out] | output | a pointer to the store the converted value in. |
The string can contain upper or lower case hex characters.
bool ola::HexStringToInt | ( | const std::string & | value, |
int16_t * | output | ||
) |
Convert a hex string to a int16_t.
The string can contain upper or lower case hex characters.
[in] | value | the string to convert. |
[out] | output | a pointer to the store the converted value in. |
bool ola::HexStringToInt | ( | const std::string & | value, |
int32_t * | output | ||
) |
Convert a hex string to a int32_t.
The string can contain upper or lower case hex characters.
[in] | value | the string to convert. |
[out] | output | a pointer to the store the converted value in. |
std::string ola::IntToHexString | ( | unsigned int | i, |
unsigned int | width | ||
) |
Convert an unsigned int to a hex string.
i | the unsigned int to convert |
width | the width to zero pad to |
inline |
Convert a uint8_t to a hex string.
i | the number to convert |
inline |
Convert a uint16_t to a hex string.
i | the number to convert |
inline |
Convert a uint32_t to a hex string.
i | the number to convert |
inline |
Convert an int to a string.
i | the int to convert |
inline |
Convert an unsigned int to a string.
i | the unsigned int to convert |
std::ostream & ola::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const DmxBuffer & | data | ||
) |
void ola::ReplaceAll | ( | std::string * | original, |
const std::string & | find, | ||
const std::string & | replace | ||
) |
Replace all instances of the find string with the replace string.
original | the string to operate on. |
find | the string to find |
replace | what to replace it with |
void ola::ShortenString | ( | std::string * | input | ) |
Truncate the string based on the presence of \0 characters.
input | the string to shorten |
bool ola::StringBeginsWith | ( | const std::string & | s, |
const std::string & | prefix | ||
) |
Check if one string is a prefix of another.
s | the string to check |
prefix | the prefix to check for |
bool ola::StringEndsWith | ( | const std::string & | s, |
const std::string & | suffix | ||
) |
Check if one string is a suffix of another.
s | the string to check |
suffix | the suffix to check for |
std::string ola::StringJoin | ( | const std::string & | delim, |
const T & | input | ||
) |
Join a vector of a type.
delim | the delimiter to use between items in the vector |
input | T can be any type for which the << operator is defined |
void ola::StringSplit | ( | const std::string & | input, |
std::vector< std::string > * | tokens, | ||
const std::string & | delimiters = " " |
) |
Split a string into pieces.
If two delimiters appear next to each other an empty string is added to the output vector.
[in] | input | the string to split |
[out] | tokens | pointer to a vector with the parts of the string |
delimiters | the delimiiter to use for splitting. Defaults to ' ' |
inline |
Split a string into pieces.
If two delimiters appear next to each other an empty string is added to the output vector.
[in] | input | the string to split |
[out] | tokens | the parts of the string |
delimiters | the delimiiter to use for splitting. Defaults to ' ' |
bool ola::StringToBool | ( | const std::string & | value, |
bool * | output | ||
) |
Convert a string to a bool.
The string can be 'true' or 'false', 't' or 'f', '1' or '0' or case insensitive variations of any of the above.
[in] | value | the string to convert |
[out] | output | a pointer where the value will be stored. |
bool ola::StringToBoolTolerant | ( | const std::string & | value, |
bool * | output | ||
) |
Convert a string to a bool in a tolerant way.
The string can be 'true' or 'false', 't' or 'f', '1' or '0', 'on' or 'off', 'enable' or 'disable', 'enabled' or 'disabled' or case insensitive variations of any of the above.
[in] | value | the string to convert |
[out] | output | a pointer where the value will be stored. |
bool ola::StringToInt | ( | const std::string & | value, |
unsigned int * | output, | ||
bool | strict = false |
) |
Convert a string to a unsigned int.
[in] | value | the string to convert |
[out] | output | a pointer where the value will be stored. |
[in] | strict | this controls if trailing characters produce an error. |
bool ola::StringToInt | ( | const std::string & | value, |
uint16_t * | output, | ||
bool | strict = false |
) |
Convert a string to a uint16_t.
[in] | value | the string to convert |
[out] | output | a pointer where the value will be stored. |
[in] | strict | this controls if trailing characters produce an error. |
bool ola::StringToInt | ( | const std::string & | value, |
uint8_t * | output, | ||
bool | strict = false |
) |
Convert a string to a uint8_t.
[in] | value | the string to convert |
[out] | output | a pointer where the value will be stored. |
[in] | strict | this controls if trailing characters produce an error. |
bool ola::StringToInt | ( | const std::string & | value, |
int * | output, | ||
bool | strict = false |
) |
Convert a string to a int.
[in] | value | the string to convert |
[out] | output | a pointer where the value will be stored. |
[in] | strict | this controls if trailing characters produce an error. |
bool ola::StringToInt | ( | const std::string & | value, |
int16_t * | output, | ||
bool | strict = false |
) |
Convert a string to a int16_t.
[in] | value | the string to convert |
[out] | output | a pointer where the value will be stored. |
[in] | strict | this controls if trailing characters produce an error. |
bool ola::StringToInt | ( | const std::string & | value, |
int8_t * | output, | ||
bool | strict = false |
) |
Convert a string to a int8_t.
[in] | value | the string to convert |
[out] | output | a pointer where the value will be stored. |
[in] | strict | this controls if trailing characters produce an error. |
int_type ola::StringToIntOrDefault | ( | const std::string & | value, |
int_type | alternative, | ||
bool | strict = false |
) |
Convert a string to an int type or return a default if it failed.
int_type | the type to convert to |
value | the string to convert | |
alternative | the default value to return if conversion failed. | |
[in] | strict | this controls if trailing characters produce an error. |
void ola::StringTrim | ( | std::string * | input | ) |
Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
input | the string to trim. |
bool ola::StripPrefix | ( | std::string * | s, |
const std::string & | prefix | ||
) |
Strips a prefix from a string.
s | the string to strip |
prefix | the prefix to remove |
bool ola::StripSuffix | ( | std::string * | s, |
const std::string & | suffix | ||
) |
Strips a suffix from a string.
s | the string to strip |
suffix | the suffix to remove |
void ola::ToLower | ( | std::string * | s | ) |
Convert a string to lower case.
s | the string to convert to lower case. |
void ola::ToUpper | ( | std::string * | s | ) |
Convert a string to upper case.
s | the string to convert to upper case. |
static |