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Detailed Description

The DMX512 / RDM Transceiver.

This module handles communications on the RS485 line.

The general model is that a client initiates a transceiver operation, passing in a token (cookie) to identify the operation. When the transceiver operation completes, the appropriate TransceiverEventCallback is run, which receives the same token and any operation-specific data. This allows the client to associate the callback with the original request that generated the event.

If a TRANSCEIVER_NO_NOTIFICATION is used for the token, the callback will not be run.

The transceiver can operate in various modes:

Since we may be in the middle of performing an operation when the mode change request occurs, the Transceiver_SetMode() function takes a token argument. When the mode change completes, a T_OP_MODE_CHANGE event will occur.

Controller Mode

In controller mode, clients can send E1.11 frames by calling one of:

See Controller State Machine.

Responder Mode

In responder mode, the TransceiverEventCallback will be run when a frame is received. The handler should call Transceiver_QueueRDMResponse() to send a response frame. See Responder State Machine.

Self Test Mode

This puts the E1.11 driver circuit into loopback mode and allows the client to call Transceiver_QueueSelfTest(). The self test operation will send a single byte which can be used to confirm the driver circuit is working correctly.


file  transceiver.h
 The DMX512 / RDM Transceiver.
file  transceiver_timing.h
 The timing constants for the 485 Transceiver.

Data Structures

union  TransceiverTiming
 The timing measurements for an operation. More...
struct  TransceiverEvent
 Information about a transceiver event. More...
struct  TransceiverHardwareSettings
 The hardware settings to use for the Transceiver. More...


 The minimum break time the user can configure, in microseconds. More...
#define MAXIMUM_TX_BREAK_TIME   800u
 The maximum break time the user can configure, in microseconds. More...
 The minimum mark time the user can configure, in microseconds. More...
#define MAXIMUM_TX_MARK_TIME   800u
 The maximum mark time the user can configure, in microseconds. More...
 The minimum break time for controllers to receive. More...
 The maximum break time for controllers to receive. More...
 The maximum mark time for controllers to receive. More...
 The minimum break-to-break time at a controller. More...
 The back off time for a DUB command. More...
 The back off time for a broadcast command. More...
 The back off time for a missing response. More...
 The back off time for a non-RDM command. More...
 The minimum break time for responders to receive. More...
 The maximum break time for responders to receive. More...
 The minimum RDM responder delay in 10ths of a microsecond, Table 3-4, E1.20.
 The maximum RDM responder delay in 10ths of a microsecond. Table 3-4, E1.20.
 The minimum mark time for responders to receive. More...
 The maximum mark time for responders to receive. More...
 The inter-slot timeout for RDM frames. More...
 The inter-slot timeout for DMX and other ASC frames. More...
 The inter-slot timeout for RDM frames. More...


typedef bool(* TransceiverEventCallback )(const TransceiverEvent *event)
 The callback run when a transceiver event occurs. More...


 The operating modes of the transceiver. More...
enum  TransceiverOperation {
 Identifies the various types of transceiver operation. More...
enum  TransceiverOperationResult {
 The result of an operation. More...


void Transceiver_Initialize (const TransceiverHardwareSettings *settings, TransceiverEventCallback tx_callback, TransceiverEventCallback rx_callback)
 Initialize the transceiver. More...
bool Transceiver_SetMode (TransceiverMode mode, int16_t token)
 Change the operating mode of the transceiver. More...
TransceiverMode Transceiver_GetMode ()
 The operating mode of the transceiver. More...
void Transceiver_Tasks ()
 Perform the periodic transceiver tasks. More...
bool Transceiver_QueueDMX (int16_t token, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int size)
 Queue a DMX frame for transmission. More...
bool Transceiver_QueueASC (int16_t token, uint8_t start_code, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int size)
 Queue an alternate start code (ASC) frame for transmission. More...
bool Transceiver_QueueRDMDUB (int16_t token, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int size)
 Queue an RDM DUB operation. More...
bool Transceiver_QueueRDMRequest (int16_t token, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int size, bool is_broadcast)
 Queue an RDM Get / Set operation. More...
bool Transceiver_QueueRDMResponse (bool include_break, const IOVec *iov, unsigned int iov_count)
 Queue an RDM Response. More...
bool Transceiver_QueueSelfTest (int16_t token)
 Schedule a loopback self test.
void Transceiver_Reset ()
 Reset the transceiver state. More...
bool Transceiver_SetBreakTime (uint16_t break_time_us)
 Set the break (space) time. More...
uint16_t Transceiver_GetBreakTime ()
 Return the current configured break time. More...
bool Transceiver_SetMarkTime (uint16_t mark_time_us)
 Set the mark-after-break (MAB) time. More...
uint16_t Transceiver_GetMarkTime ()
 Return the current configured mark-after-break (MAB) time. More...
bool Transceiver_SetRDMBroadcastTimeout (uint16_t delay)
 Set the controller timeout for broadcast RDM commands. More...
uint16_t Transceiver_GetRDMBroadcastTimeout ()
 Return the current controller timeout for broadcast RDM commands. More...
bool Transceiver_SetRDMResponseTimeout (uint16_t delay)
 Set the controller's RDM response timeout. More...
uint16_t Transceiver_GetRDMResponseTimeout ()
 Return the controller's RDM response timeout. More...
bool Transceiver_SetRDMDUBResponseLimit (uint16_t limit)
 Set the maximum time allowed for a DUB response. More...
uint16_t Transceiver_GetRDMDUBResponseLimit ()
 Return the Controller DUB response timeout. More...
bool Transceiver_SetRDMResponderDelay (uint16_t delay)
 Configure the delay after the end of the controller's packet before the responder will transmit the reply. More...
uint16_t Transceiver_GetRDMResponderDelay ()
 Return the RDM responder delay. More...
bool Transceiver_SetRDMResponderJitter (uint16_t max_jitter)
 Configure the jitter added to the responder delay. More...
uint16_t Transceiver_GetRDMResponderJitter ()
 Return the RDM responder jitter. More...


 Suppress event notifications. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


The back off time for a broadcast command.

Measured in 10ths of a millisecond. The value is from line 6 of Table 3-2 in E1.20. In this case we round 176us to 0.2 ms.


The back off time for a DUB command.

Measured in 10ths of a millisecond. The value is from line 2 of Table 3-2 in E1.20.


The minimum break-to-break time at a controller.

Measured in 10ths of a millisecond. The value is from Table 6 in E1.11 (2008). In this case we round 1.204ms to 1.3 ms.


The back off time for a missing response.

Measured in 10ths of a millisecond. The value is from line 5 of Table 3-2 in E1.20.


The back off time for a non-RDM command.

Measured in 10ths of a millisecond. The value is from line 7 of Table 3-2 in E1.20. In this case we round 176us to 0.2 ms.


The inter-slot timeout for RDM frames.

Measured in 10ths of a millisecond. The value is from line 2 of Table 3-1 in E1.20.


The maximum break time for controllers to receive.

Measured in 10ths of a microsecond. The value is from line 2 of Table 3-1 in E1.20.


The minimum break time for controllers to receive.

Measured in 10ths of a microsecond. The value is from line 2 of Table 3-1 in E1.20.

Note that some responders, like say the Robin 600 Spot, have a very short low before the actual break. This is probably the transceiver turning around and lasts on the order of 200nS.


The maximum mark time for controllers to receive.

Measured in 10ths of a microsecond. The value is from line 2 of Table 3-1 in E1.20.

#define MAXIMUM_TX_BREAK_TIME   800u

The maximum break time the user can configure, in microseconds.

This needs to be kept within what a 16-bit timer can support. We'll probably need to change this if the clock speed increases.

#define MAXIMUM_TX_MARK_TIME   800u

The maximum mark time the user can configure, in microseconds.

This needs to be kept within what a 16-bit timer can support. We'll probably need to change this if the clock speed increases.


The minimum break time the user can configure, in microseconds.

DMX1990 was 88us and later versions raised this to 92us. We allow down to 44us because Sean says it's useful for testing.


The minimum mark time the user can configure, in microseconds.

DMX1986 apparently allows a 4us mark time.


The inter-slot timeout for DMX and other ASC frames.

Measured in 10ths of a millisecond. The value is from Table 6 of E1.11-2008


The inter-slot timeout for RDM frames.

Measured in 10ths of a millisecond. The value is from line 1 of Table 3-3 in E1.20.


The maximum break time for responders to receive.

Measured in 10ths of a millisecond. The value is from line 1 of Table 3-3 in E1.20.


The minimum break time for responders to receive.

Measured in 10ths of a microsecond. The value is from line 1 of Table 3-3 in E1.20.


The maximum mark time for responders to receive.

Measured in 10ths of a millisecond. The value is from line 1 of Table 3-3 in E1.20.


The minimum mark time for responders to receive.

Measured in 10ths of a microsecond. The value is from line 1 of Table 3-3 in E1.20.

Typedef Documentation

typedef bool(* TransceiverEventCallback)(const TransceiverEvent *event)

The callback run when a transceiver event occurs.

The pointer is valid for the lifetime of the function call.

Enumeration Type Documentation

The operating modes of the transceiver.


An RDM controller and/or source of DMX512.


An RDM device and/or receiver of DMX512.


Self test mode.


The first 'undefined' mode.

Identifies the various types of transceiver operation.


No response (DMX512) or ASC.


An RDM Discovery Unique Branch.


A broadcast Get / Set Request.


A RDM Get / Set Request.


Receive mode.


Mode change complete.


Self test complete.

The result of an operation.


The operation completed successfully.


A TX error occurred.


Data was received.


No response was received within the RDM wait time.


Invalid data received.


A frame was received.


A frame was received.


The frame timed out (inter-slot delay exceeded)


The operation was cancelled.


The test failed.

Function Documentation

uint16_t Transceiver_GetBreakTime ( )

Return the current configured break time.

The break time in microseconds.
See also
uint16_t Transceiver_GetMarkTime ( )

Return the current configured mark-after-break (MAB) time.

The MAB time in microseconds.
See also
TransceiverMode Transceiver_GetMode ( )

The operating mode of the transceiver.

the current operating mode.
uint16_t Transceiver_GetRDMBroadcastTimeout ( )

Return the current controller timeout for broadcast RDM commands.

The RDM broadcast listen time, in 10ths of a millisecond.
uint16_t Transceiver_GetRDMDUBResponseLimit ( )

Return the Controller DUB response timeout.

The RDM DUB response limit, in 10ths of a microsecond.
See also
uint16_t Transceiver_GetRDMResponderDelay ( )

Return the RDM responder delay.

The RDM responder delay, in 10ths of a microsecond.
See also
uint16_t Transceiver_GetRDMResponderJitter ( )

Return the RDM responder jitter.

The RDM responder jitter, in 10ths of a microsecond.
See also
uint16_t Transceiver_GetRDMResponseTimeout ( )

Return the controller's RDM response timeout.

The controller RDM response timeout, in 10ths of a millisecond.
See also
void Transceiver_Initialize ( const TransceiverHardwareSettings settings,
TransceiverEventCallback  tx_callback,
TransceiverEventCallback  rx_callback 

Initialize the transceiver.

settingsThe settings to use for the transceiver.
tx_callbackThe callback to run when a transceiver TX event occurs.
rx_callbackThe callback to run when a transceiver RX event occurs.

If PIPELINE_TRANSCEIVER_TX_EVENT is defined in app_pipeline.h, the macro will override the value of tx_callback. If PIPELINE_TRANSCEIVER_RX_EVENT is defined in app_pipeline.h, the macro will override the value of rx_callback.

bool Transceiver_QueueASC ( int16_t  token,
uint8_t  start_code,
const uint8_t *  data,
unsigned int  size 

Queue an alternate start code (ASC) frame for transmission.

tokenThe token for this operation.
start_codethe alternate start code.
dataThe ASC data, excluding the start code.
sizeThe size of the data, excluding the start code.
true if the frame was accepted and buffered, false if the transmit buffer is full.
bool Transceiver_QueueDMX ( int16_t  token,
const uint8_t *  data,
unsigned int  size 

Queue a DMX frame for transmission.

tokenThe token for this operation.
dataThe DMX data, excluding the start code.
sizeThe size of the DMX data, excluding the start code.
true if the frame was accepted and buffered, false if the transmit buffer is full.
bool Transceiver_QueueRDMDUB ( int16_t  token,
const uint8_t *  data,
unsigned int  size 

Queue an RDM DUB operation.

tokenThe token for this operation.
dataThe RDM DUB data, excluding the start code.
sizeThe size of the RDM DUB data, excluding the start code.
true if the frame was accepted and buffered, false if the transmit buffer is full.
bool Transceiver_QueueRDMRequest ( int16_t  token,
const uint8_t *  data,
unsigned int  size,
bool  is_broadcast 

Queue an RDM Get / Set operation.

tokenThe token for this operation.
dataThe RDM data, excluding the start code.
sizeThe size of the RDM data, excluding the start code.
is_broadcastTrue if this is a broadcast request.
true if the frame was accepted and buffered, false if the transmit buffer is full.
bool Transceiver_QueueRDMResponse ( bool  include_break,
const IOVec iov,
unsigned int  iov_count 

Queue an RDM Response.

include_breaktrue if this response requires a break
iovThe data to send in the response
iov_countThe number of IOVecs.
true if the frame was accepted and buffered, false if the transmit buffer is full.
void Transceiver_Reset ( )

Reset the transceiver state.

This can be used to recover from an error. The line will be placed back into a MARK state.

bool Transceiver_SetBreakTime ( uint16_t  break_time_us)

Set the break (space) time.

break_time_usthe break time in microseconds, values are 44 to 800 inclusive.
true if the break time was updated, false if the value was out of range.

The default time is 176 uS. Table 6 in E1.11 lists the minimum break time as 92uS but the 1990 standard allows 88uS. We go down to 44 uS for testing purposes. Table 3-1 in E1.20 lists the minimum break as 176uS and the maximum as 352uS.

bool Transceiver_SetMarkTime ( uint16_t  mark_time_us)

Set the mark-after-break (MAB) time.

mark_time_usthe mark time in microseconds, values are 4 to 800 inclusive.
true if the mark time was updated, false if the value was out of range.

The default is 12uS. Table 6 in E1.11 allows 12uS to 1s. Table 3-1 in E1.20 allows 12 to 88uS. We go down to 4 uS for testing purposes.

bool Transceiver_SetMode ( TransceiverMode  mode,
int16_t  token 

Change the operating mode of the transceiver.

modethe new operating mode.
tokenThe token passed to the TransceiverEventCallback when the mode change completes.
True if the mode change is queued, false if there was already another mode change pending or the device is already in the requested mode.

After any in-progress operation completes, then next call to Transceiver_Tasks() will result in the mode change.

bool Transceiver_SetRDMBroadcastTimeout ( uint16_t  delay)

Set the controller timeout for broadcast RDM commands.

delaythe time to wait for a broadcast response, in 10ths of a millisecond. Valid values are 0 to 50 (0 to 5ms).
true if the broadcast timeout was updated, false if the value was out of range.

With the exception of a DUB, an RDM controller usually doesn't listen for responses after sending a broadcast command. However for testing purposes we want to be able to listen for responders that incorrectly reply to non-DUB broadcasts.

bool Transceiver_SetRDMDUBResponseLimit ( uint16_t  limit)

Set the maximum time allowed for a DUB response.

limitthe maximum time to wait from the start of the DUB response until the end, in 10ths of a microseconds. Valid values are 10000 - 35000 (1 - 3.5ms). Values < 28000 are outside the specification but may be used for testing.
true if time was updated, false if the value was out of range.

The default value is 29000 (2.9mS), see Line 3, Table 3-3, E1.20.

By setting the value less than 29000, we can cause responders that are at the limits of the specification to fail. By setting the value to more than 29000, we can support responders that are out-of-spec.

bool Transceiver_SetRDMResponderDelay ( uint16_t  delay)

Configure the delay after the end of the controller's packet before the responder will transmit the reply.

delaythe delay between the end-of-packet and transmitting the responder, in 10ths of a microseconds. Valid values are 1760 - 20000 (0.176 - 2ms).
true if time was updated, false if the value was out of range.

The default value is 1760 (176uS), see Table 3-4, E1.20.

bool Transceiver_SetRDMResponderJitter ( uint16_t  max_jitter)

Configure the jitter added to the responder delay.

max_jitterthe maximum jitter in 10ths of a microsecond. Set to 0 to disable jitter. Valid values are 0 to (20000 - Responder Delay).
true if jitter time was updated, false if the value was out of range.

The default value is 0.

bool Transceiver_SetRDMResponseTimeout ( uint16_t  delay)

Set the controller's RDM response timeout.

delaythe time to wait in 10ths of a millisecond. Valid values are 10 - 50 (1 - 5ms). Values < 28 are outside the specification but may be used for testing.
true if time was updated, false if the value was out of range.

This response timeout is the time the controller waits for an RDM response before considering the response missing. This is used for both DISCOVERY and GET/SET commands. The limits for broadcast commands is controlled with Transceiver_SetRDMBroadcastTimeout().

The default value is 28 (2.8mS), see Lines 1 & 3, Table 3-2, E1.20.

By setting the value less than 28, we can cause responders that are at the limits of the specification to fail. By setting the value more than 28, we can accommodate responders that are out-of-spec.

void Transceiver_Tasks ( )

Perform the periodic transceiver tasks.

This should be called in the main event loop.

Variable Documentation


Suppress event notifications.

This value can be used as a token to avoid the event handler notification.