common | |
base | |
Credentials.cpp | |
Flags.cpp | |
Init.cpp | |
Logging.cpp | |
SysExits.cpp | |
io | |
EPoller.h | |
KQueuePoller.h | |
PollerInterface.h | |
SelectPoller.h | |
TimeoutManager.h | |
WindowsPoller.h | |
network | |
FakeInterfacePicker.h | |
NetworkUtilsInternal.h | |
PosixInterfacePicker.h | |
SocketHelper.h | |
WindowsInterfacePicker.h | |
rdm | |
DescriptorConsistencyChecker.h | |
FakeNetworkManager.h | |
GroupSizeCalculator.h | |
NetworkManager.h | Gets/sets real config about a network |
PidStoreLoader.h | |
RDMCommand.cpp | |
VariableFieldSizeCalculator.h | |
rpc | |
RpcChannel.h | |
RpcController.h | |
RpcHeader.h | |
RpcPeer.h | |
RpcService.h | |
utils | |
DmxBuffer.cpp | |
web | |
OptionalItem.h | |
PointerTracker.h | |
SchemaErrorLogger.h | |
SchemaKeywords.h | |
SchemaParseContext.h | |
SchemaParser.h | |
include | |
ola | |
acn | |
ACNPort.h | The TCP / UDP Ports used for transporting ACN |
ACNVectors.h | ACN Vector values |
CID.h | The ACN component identifier |
base | |
Array.h | Helper macros / methods for static arrays |
Credentials.h | User & Group Information |
Env.h | |
Flags.h | Defines macros to ease creation of command line flags |
FlagsPrivate.h | Internal functionality for the flags |
Init.h | Functions called during program startup |
Macro.h | Helper macros |
SysExits.h | |
Version.h | |
client | |
CallbackTypes.h | The various callbacks used with the OLA Client |
ClientArgs.h | Types used as arguments for the OLA Client |
ClientRDMAPIShim.h | |
ClientTypes.h | Types used as return values from the OLA Client |
Module.h | Information required to use the StreamingClient as a plugin |
OlaClient.h | |
Result.h | The Result object passed to OLA client callbacks |
StreamingClient.h | A client for sending DMX512 data to olad |
dmx | |
RunLengthEncoder.h | Encode / Decode DMX data using Run Length Encoding |
SourcePriorities.h | The constants for DMX source priorities |
e133 | |
DeviceManager.h | |
E133Enums.h | |
E133Receiver.h | |
E133StatusHelper.h | |
E133URLParser.h | |
MessageBuilder.h | |
OLASLPThread.h | |
OpenSLPThread.h | |
SLPThread.h | |
file | |
Util.h | |
http | |
HTTPServer.h | |
OlaHTTPServer.h | |
io | |
BigEndianStream.h | |
Descriptor.h | |
ExtendedSerial.h | |
InputBuffer.h | |
InputStream.h | |
IOQueue.h | |
IOStack.h | |
IOUtils.h | |
IOVecInterface.h | |
MemoryBlock.h | Wraps a memory region |
MemoryBlockPool.h | |
MemoryBuffer.h | |
OutputBuffer.h | |
OutputStream.h | |
SelectServer.h | |
SelectServerInterface.h | |
Serial.h | |
StdinHandler.h | |
math | |
Random.h | |
messaging | |
Descriptor.h | |
DescriptorVisitor.h | |
Message.h | |
MessagePrinter.h | |
MessageVisitor.h | |
SchemaPrinter.h | |
StringMessageBuilder.h | |
network | |
AdvancedTCPConnector.h | |
HealthCheckedConnection.h | |
Interface.h | |
InterfacePicker.h | |
IPV4Address.h | Represents an IPv4 Address |
MACAddress.h | Represents a MAC Address |
NetworkUtils.h | |
Socket.h | |
SocketAddress.h | Represents Socket Addresses |
SocketCloser.h | Automatically close a socket when it goes out of scope |
TCPConnector.h | |
TCPSocket.h | |
TCPSocketFactory.h | |
rdm | |
AckTimerResponder.h | This responder implements the code needed to deal with AckTimers |
AdvancedDimmerResponder.h | Soft responder that implements a Dimmer that supports E1.37-1 PIDs |
CommandPrinter.h | |
DimmerResponder.h | A soft responder that acts like an RDM enabled dimmer with sub devices |
DimmerRootDevice.h | Soft responder that implements the Root device in the DimmerResponder |
DimmerSubDevice.h | A soft responder that impements a SubDevice in DimmerResponder |
DiscoveryAgent.h | Implements the RDM Discovery algorithm |
DummyResponder.h | Basic soft RDM responder |
MessageDeserializer.h | Inflate a message from raw data |
MessageSerializer.h | Serialize an RDM message |
MovingLightResponder.h | A soft RDM responder that implements the basics of a moving light responder |
NetworkManagerInterface.h | The interface for the NetworkManager |
NetworkResponder.h | An RDM responder that supports E1.37-2 PIDs |
OpenLightingEnums.h | Provide OLA's RDM Manufacturer PIDs & Model IDs |
PidStore.h | Holds information about RDM PIDs |
PidStoreHelper.h | Provides helper methods for loading / accessing the pid store, and dealing with pids |
QueueingRDMController.h | An RDM Controller that queues messages and only sends a single message at a time |
RDMAPI.h | Provide a generic RDM API that can use different implementations |
RDMAPIImplInterface.h | The interface for an RDM API Implementation |
RDMCommand.h | Classes that represent RDM commands |
RDMCommandSerializer.h | Write RDMCommands to a memory buffer |
RDMControllerAdaptor.h | Allows an RDMControllerInterface to be used as an DiscoverableRDMControllerInterface |
RDMControllerInterface.h | Definitions and Interfaces to implement an RDMController that sends a single message at a time |
RDMEnums.h | Various constants used in RDM |
RDMHelper.h | Various misc RDM functions |
RDMMessagePrinters.h | Used for displaying the RDM data to the command line |
RDMPacket.h | Structures and constants used with RDM Packets |
ResponderHelper.h | Helper methods for building RDM responders |
ResponderLoadSensor.h | Holds the information about a load sensor |
ResponderOps.h | A framework for building RDM responders |
ResponderOpsPrivate.h | Private helper functions for building RDM responders |
ResponderPersonality.h | |
ResponderSensor.h | Holds the information about a sensor |
ResponderSettings.h | |
ResponderSlotData.h | Holds the information about DMX slots |
SensorResponder.h | A soft RDM responder that has sensors |
StringMessageBuilder.h | Builds a Messagse object from a list of strings and a Descriptor |
SubDeviceDispatcher.h | Handles the dispatching of RDM requests to the correct sub device |
UID.h | A RDM unique identifier (UID) |
UIDAllocator.h | A class to allocate UIDs |
UIDSet.h | A set of UIDs |
slp | |
Base.h | |
SLPClient.h | |
URLEntry.h | |
stl | |
STLUtils.h | Helper functions for STL classes |
system | |
SystemUtils.h | |
testing | |
MockUDPSocket.h | |
thread | |
CallbackThread.h | |
ConsumerThread.h | |
ExecutorInterface.h | |
Future.h | |
FuturePrivate.h | |
Mutex.h | |
SchedulerInterface.h | |
SchedulingExecutorInterface.h | |
SignalThread.h | |
Thread.h | |
ThreadPool.h | |
timecode | |
TimeCode.h | |
util | |
Backoff.h | |
SequenceNumber.h | |
Utils.h | |
web | |
Json.h | Basic data types used to represent elements in a JSON document |
JsonData.h | The top level container for JSON data |
JsonLexer.h | The class used to parse JSON data |
JsonParser.h | A JsonParserInterface implementation that builds a parse tree |
JsonPatch.h | Implementation of JSON Patch (RFC 6902) |
JsonPatchParser.h | Create a JsonPatchSet from a string |
JsonPointer.h | An implementation of Json Pointers (RFC 6901) |
JsonSchema.h | A Json Schema, see |
JsonSections.h | |
JsonTypes.h | Enums used to identfy JSON types |
JsonWriter.h | Serialize JSON data |
ActionQueue.h | |
BaseTypes.h | |
Callback.h | |
CallbackRunner.h | Automatically execute a 0-arg callback when it goes out of scope |
Clock.h | |
Constants.h | Constants used throughout OLA |
DmxBuffer.h | A class used to hold a single universe of DMX data |
ExportMap.h | Export variables on the http server |
Logging.h | Header file for OLA Logging |
MultiCallback.h | A callback which can be executed multiple times. When a pre-defined limit is reached, then the underlying callback is executed |
StringUtils.h | Various string utility functions |
olad | |
Device.h | |
DmxSource.h | |
Plugin.h | |
PluginAdaptor.h | |
Port.h | |
PortBroker.h | |
PortConstants.h | Different priority modes and priority capabilities. Please make sure and visit Merging Algorithms for more information |
Preferences.h | |
TokenBucket.h | |
Universe.h | |
ola | |
AutoStart.h | |
OlaCallbackClient.h | |
OlaClientCore.h | |
OlaClientWrapper.h | |
OlaDevice.h | |
StreamingClient.h | |
olad | |
AvahiDiscoveryAgent.h | |
BonjourDiscoveryAgent.h | |
Client.h | |
ClientBroker.h | |
DeviceManager.h | |
DiscoveryAgent.h | |
DynamicPluginLoader.h | |
HttpServerActions.h | |
OlaDaemon.h | |
OladHTTPServer.h | |
OlaServer.h | |
OlaServerServiceImpl.h | |
PluginLoader.h | |
PluginManager.h | |
PortManager.h | |
RDMHTTPModule.h | |
UniverseStore.h | |
plugins | |
artnet | |
ArtNetDevice.h | |
ArtNetNode.h | |
ArtNetPackets.h | |
ArtNetPlugin.h | |
ArtNetPort.h | |
dmx4linux | |
Dmx4LinuxDevice.h | |
Dmx4LinuxPlugin.h | |
Dmx4LinuxPort.h | |
Dmx4LinuxSocket.h | |
dummy | |
DummyDevice.h | |
DummyPlugin.h | |
DummyPort.h | |
e131 | |
e131 | |
BaseInflator.h | |
CIDImpl.h | |
DMPAddress.h | |
DMPE131Inflator.h | |
DMPHeader.h | |
DMPInflator.h | |
DMPPDU.h | |
E131Header.h | |
E131Inflator.h | |
E131Node.h | |
E131PDU.h | |
E131Sender.h | |
E133Header.h | |
E133Inflator.h | |
E133PDU.h | |
E133StatusInflator.h | |
E133StatusPDU.h | |
HeaderSet.h | |
PDU.h | |
PreamblePacker.h | |
RDMInflator.h | |
RDMPDU.h | |
RootHeader.h | |
RootInflator.h | |
RootPDU.h | |
RootSender.h | |
TCPTransport.h | |
Transport.h | |
TransportHeader.h | |
UDPTransport.h | |
E131Device.h | |
E131Plugin.h | |
E131Port.h | |
espnet | |
EspNetDevice.h | |
EspNetNode.h | |
EspNetPackets.h | |
EspNetPlugin.h | |
EspNetPluginCommon.h | |
EspNetPort.h | |
RunLengthDecoder.h | |
ftdidmx | |
FtdiDmxDevice.h | |
FtdiDmxPlugin.h | |
FtdiDmxPort.h | |
FtdiDmxThread.h | |
FtdiWidget.h | |
karate | |
KarateDevice.h | |
KarateLight.h | |
KaratePlugin.h | |
KaratePort.h | |
KarateThread.h | |
kinet | |
KiNetDevice.h | |
KiNetNode.h | |
KiNetPlugin.h | |
KiNetPort.h | |
milinst | |
MilInstDevice.h | |
MilInstPlugin.h | |
MilInstPort.h | |
MilInstWidget.h | |
MilInstWidget1463.h | |
MilInstWidget1553.h | |
opendmx | |
OpenDmxDevice.h | |
OpenDmxPlugin.h | |
OpenDmxPort.h | |
OpenDmxThread.h | |
osc | |
OSCAddressTemplate.h | |
OSCDevice.h | |
OSCNode.h | |
OSCPlugin.h | |
OSCPort.h | |
OSCTarget.h | |
pathport | |
PathportDevice.h | |
PathportNode.h | |
PathportPackets.h | |
PathportPlugin.h | |
PathportPort.h | |
renard | |
RenardDevice.h | |
RenardPlugin.h | |
RenardPort.h | |
RenardWidget.h | |
sandnet | |
SandNetCommon.h | |
SandNetDevice.h | |
SandNetNode.h | |
SandNetPackets.h | |
SandNetPlugin.h | |
SandNetPort.h | |
shownet | |
ShowNetDevice.h | |
ShowNetNode.h | |
ShowNetPackets.h | |
ShowNetPlugin.h | |
ShowNetPort.h | |
spi | |
FakeSPIWriter.h | |
SPIBackend.h | |
SPIDevice.h | |
SPIOutput.h | |
SPIPlugin.h | |
SPIPort.h | |
SPIWriter.h | |
stageprofi | |
StageProfiDevice.h | |
StageProfiPlugin.h | |
StageProfiPort.h | |
StageProfiWidget.h | |
StageProfiWidgetLan.h | |
StageProfiWidgetUsb.h | |
uartdmx | |
UartDmxDevice.h | |
UartDmxPlugin.h | |
UartDmxPort.h | |
UartDmxThread.h | |
UartWidget.h | |
usbdmx | |
AnymaDevice.h | |
AnymaOutputPort.h | |
EuroliteProDevice.h | |
EuroliteProOutputPort.h | |
FirmwareLoader.h | |
SunliteDevice.h | |
SunliteFirmwareLoader.h | |
SunliteOutputPort.h | |
UsbDevice.h | |
UsbDmxPlugin.h | |
VellemanDevice.h | |
VellemanOutputPort.h | |
usbpro | |
ArduinoRGBDevice.h | |
ArduinoWidget.h | |
BaseRobeWidget.h | |
BaseUsbProWidget.h | |
DmxterDevice.h | |
DmxterWidget.h | |
DmxTriDevice.h | |
DmxTriWidget.h | |
EnttecUsbProWidget.h | |
EnttecUsbProWidgetImpl.h | |
GenericUsbProWidget.h | |
RobeDevice.h | |
RobeWidget.h | |
RobeWidgetDetector.h | |
SerialWidgetInterface.h | |
UltraDMXProDevice.h | |
UltraDMXProWidget.h | |
UsbProDevice.h | |
UsbProWidgetDetector.h | |
UsbSerialDevice.h | |
UsbSerialPlugin.h | |
WidgetDetectorInterface.h | |
WidgetDetectorThread.h | |
protoc | |
CppFileGenerator.h | |
CppGenerator.h | |
GeneratorHelpers.h | |
ServiceGenerator.h | |
StrUtil.h | |