Open Lighting Architecture  0.9.4
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Deprecated List
File BaseTypes.h
Use Constants.h instead.
Use ola::DMX512_START_CODE from Constants.h instead.
Use ola::DMX_MAX_SLOT_VALUE from Constants.h instead.
Use ola::DMX_MIN_SLOT_VALUE from Constants.h instead.
Use ola::MAX_UNIVERSE from Constants.h instead.
Member ola::client::StreamingClient::StreamingClient (bool auto_start=true)
Use the constructor that takes an Options struct instead.
Member ola::DmxBuffer::DmxBuffer (const std::string &data)
Use DmxBuffer(const uint8_t *data, unsigned int length) instead
Member ola::FormatData (std::ostream *out, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int length, unsigned int indent=0, unsigned int byte_per_line=8)
Use ola::strings::FormatData instead (30 Dec 2014).
Member ola::IntToHexString (unsigned int i, unsigned int width)
ola::ToHex() instead, unless you really want a string rather than use in an ostream (30 Dec 2014)
Member ola::IntToHexString (uint8_t i)
ola::ToHex() instead, unless you really want a string rather than use in an ostream (30 Dec 2014)
Member ola::IntToHexString (uint16_t i)
ola::ToHex() instead, unless you really want a string rather than use in an ostream (30 Dec 2014)
Member ola::IntToHexString (uint32_t i)
ola::ToHex() instead, unless you really want a string rather than use in an ostream (30 Dec 2014)
Member ola::IntToString (int i)
Use ola::strings::IntToString instead (30 Dec 2014).
Member ola::IntToString (unsigned int i)
Use ola::strings::IntToString instead (30 Dec 2014).
Member ola::network::FullHostname ()
use ola::network::FQDN() instead (17 Nov 2013)
Member ola::network::UDPSocketInterface::RecvFrom (uint8_t *buffer, ssize_t *data_read, IPV4Address &source) const =0
Use the IPV4SocketAddress version instead.
Member ola::network::UDPSocketInterface::RecvFrom (uint8_t *buffer, ssize_t *data_read, IPV4Address &source, uint16_t &port) const =0
Use the IPV4SocketAddress version instead.
Member ola::network::UDPSocketInterface::SendTo (const uint8_t *buffer, unsigned int size, const IPV4Address &ip, unsigned short port) const =0
Use the IPV4SocketAddress version instead.
Member ola::network::UDPSocketInterface::SendTo (ola::io::IOVecInterface *data, const IPV4Address &ip, unsigned short port) const =0
Use the IPV4SocketAddress version instead.
Class ola::OlaCallbackClient
Use ola::client::OlaClient instead.
Member ola::OlaCallbackClientWrapper
Use ola::client::OlaClientWrapper instead.
Member ola::StringSplit (const std::string &input, std::vector< std::string > &tokens, const std::string &delimiters=" ")
Use the version with a vector pointer instead (3 Jan 2015).
Member ola::thread::SchedulerInterface::RegisterRepeatingTimeout (unsigned int period, Callback0< bool > *callback)=0
Use the version that takes a TimeInterval instead.
Member ola::thread::SchedulerInterface::RegisterSingleTimeout (unsigned int delay, SingleUseCallback0< void > *callback)=0
Use the version that takes a TimeInterval instead.
Use ola::OLA_DEFAULT_PORT from Constants.h instead.
File OlaCallbackClient.h
Include <ola/client/OlaClient.h> instead.
File OlaDevice.h
Include <ola/client/ClientTypes.h> instead.
Use ola::OPEN_LIGHTING_ESTA_CODE from Constants.h instead.
Group rdm_api
This is only used by the Web Server. New code should use ola::rdm::PidStore.
File StreamingClient.h
Include <ola/client/StreamingClient.h> instead.