ola | The namespace containing all OLA symbols |
acn | ACN related code |
CID | The ACN component identifier |
CIDImpl | |
base | |
Version | Provides version information. OLA Version numbers are in the form major.minor.revision e.g. 0.9.6 |
client | OLA C++ API |
SendDMXArgs | Arguments passed to the SendDMX() method |
SendRDMArgs | Arguments used with OlaClient::RDMGet() and OlaClient::RDMSet() methods |
ClientRDMAPIShim | |
OlaPlugin | Represents a Plugin |
PluginState | The state of a plugin. This information can be used to detect conflicts between plugins |
OlaPort | The base class that represents a port |
OlaInputPort | An input port (receives DMX) |
OlaOutputPort | An Output Port (sends DMX) |
OlaDevice | Represents a device |
OlaUniverse | Represents a universe |
DMXMetadata | Metadata that accompanies DMX packets |
RDMMetadata | Metadata that accompanies RDM Responses |
BaseClientWrapper | The base Client Wrapper class |
GenericClientWrapper | A templatized ClientWrapper |
OlaClient | The callback based C++ client for OLA |
Result | Indicates the result of a OLA API call |
StreamingClientInterface | The interface for the StreamingClient class |
SendArgs | |
StreamingClient | Send DMX512 data to olad |
Options | |
ClientTypesFactory | Creates OlaPlugin types from protocol buffer objects |
OlaClientCore | The low level C++ API to olad. Clients shouldn't use this directly. Instead use ola::client::OlaClient |
dmx | DMX512 related code |
RunLengthEncoder | Encode / Decode DMX data using Run Length Encoding |
e133 | E1.33 (RDMNet) |
DeviceManager | |
E133Message | |
E133StatusMessage | |
E133RDMMessage | |
E133Receiver | |
MessageBuilder | |
http | The embedded HTTP server |
HTTPRequest | |
HTTPResponse | |
HTTPServer | The base HTTP Server |
HTTPServerOptions | |
OlaHTTPServer | |
io | Classes for general I/O and event handling |
EPollData | |
EPoller | An implementation of PollerInterface that uses epoll() |
KQueueData | |
KQueuePoller | An implementation of PollerInterface that uses kevent / kqueue |
PollerInterface | The interface for the Poller classes |
SelectPoller | An implementation of PollerInterface that uses select() |
TimeoutManager | Manages timer events |
WindowsPollerDescriptor | |
EventHolder | |
PollData | |
WindowsPoller | An implementation of PollerInterface for Windows |
BigEndianInputStreamInterface | |
BigEndianInputStreamAdaptor | |
BigEndianInputStream | |
BigEndianOutputStreamInterface | |
BigEndianOutputStreamAdaptor | |
BigEndianOutputStream | |
ReadFileDescriptor | Represents a file descriptor that supports reading data |
WriteFileDescriptor | Represents a file descriptor that supports writing data |
BidirectionalFileDescriptor | A file descriptor that supports both read & write |
UnmanagedFileDescriptor | Allows a FD created by a library to be used with the SelectServer |
UnmanagedFileDescriptor_lt | Comparison operator for UnmanagedFileDescriptor |
ConnectedDescriptor | A BidirectionalFileDescriptor that also generates notifications when closed |
LoopbackDescriptor | A loopback descriptor |
PipeDescriptor | A descriptor that uses unix pipes |
UnixSocket | A unix domain socket pair |
DeviceDescriptor | A descriptor which represents a connection to a device |
LinuxHelper | A static class containing platform-specific helper code for Linux |
InputBufferInterface | |
InputStreamInterface | |
InputStream | |
IOQueue | |
IOStack | |
IOVec | |
IOVecInterface | |
MemoryBlock | A MemoryBlock encapsulates a chunk of memory. It's used by the IOQueue and IOStack classes |
MemoryBlockPool | MemoryBlockPool. This class is not thread safe |
MemoryBuffer | |
NonBlockingSender | Write data to ConnectedDescriptors without blocking or losing data |
OutputBufferInterface | |
OutputStreamInterface | |
OutputStream | |
SelectServer | A single threaded I/O event management system |
Options | |
SelectServerInterface | The interface for the SelectServer |
StdinHandler | |
math | Math helper functions |
messaging | A framework for serializing simple message structures |
FieldDescriptorInterface | |
FieldDescriptor | |
BoolFieldDescriptor | |
IPV4FieldDescriptor | |
MACFieldDescriptor | |
UIDFieldDescriptor | |
StringFieldDescriptor | |
IntegerFieldDescriptor | |
FieldDescriptorGroup | |
Descriptor | |
FieldDescriptorVisitor | |
Message | |
MessageFieldInterface | |
BoolMessageField | |
IPV4MessageField | |
MACMessageField | |
UIDMessageField | |
StringMessageField | |
BasicMessageField | |
GroupMessageField | |
MessagePrinter | |
GenericMessagePrinter | |
MessageVisitor | |
SchemaPrinter | |
StringMessageBuilder | |
network | Code for network communication |
FakeInterfacePicker | |
PosixInterfacePicker | |
PendingTCPConnection | |
WindowsInterfacePicker | |
AdvancedTCPConnector | Attempts to open a TCP connection until a failure limit is reached |
HealthCheckedConnection | |
Interface | |
InterfaceBuilder | |
InterfaceIndexOrdering | |
InterfacePicker | Given some intial parameters, find the best network interface to use |
Options | |
IPV4Address | Represents a IPv4 Address |
MACAddress | Represents a MAC Address |
UDPSocketInterface | The interface for UDPSockets |
UDPSocket | |
SocketAddress | The base SocketAddress |
IPV4SocketAddress | An IPv4 SocketAddress |
GenericSocketAddress | Generic Socket Address |
SocketCloser | Automatically close a socket when it goes out of scope |
TCPConnector | An class which manages non-blocking TCP connects |
TCPSocket | |
TCPAcceptingSocket | |
TCPSocketFactoryInterface | |
GenericTCPSocketFactory | |
plugin | Code for supported devices and protocols |
artnet | The ArtNet plugin |
ArtNetDevice | |
ArtNetNodeOptions | |
ArtNetNodeImpl | |
InputPort | |
ArtNetNodeImplRDMWrapper | |
ArtNetNode | The actual ArtNet Node |
artnet_packet | |
ArtNetPlugin | |
ArtNetInputPort | |
ArtNetOutputPort | |
dmx4linux | Code for DMX4Linux devices |
Dmx4LinuxDevice | |
Dmx4LinuxPlugin | |
Dmx4LinuxOutputPort | |
Dmx4LinuxInputPort | |
Dmx4LinuxSocket | |
dummy | The Dummy plugin |
DummyDevice | |
DummyPlugin | |
DummyPort | |
Options | |
e131 | The E1.31 (sACN) plugin |
InflatorInterface | |
BaseInflator | |
BaseDMPAddress | |
DMPAddress | |
RangeDMPAddress | |
DMPAddressData | |
DMPE131Inflator | |
DMPHeader | |
DMPInflator | |
DMPGetProperty | |
DMPSetProperty | |
E131DiscoveryInflator | |
DiscoveryPage | |
E131Header | |
E131Rev2Header | |
e131_rev2_pdu_header | |
E131Inflator | |
E131InflatorRev2 | |
TrackedSource | |
E131Node | |
KnownController | |
Options | Options for the E131Node |
E131PDU | |
E131Sender | |
E133Header | |
E133Inflator | |
E133PDU | |
E133StatusInflator | |
E133StatusPDU | |
HeaderSet | |
PDU | |
PDUBlock | |
PreamblePacker | |
RDMInflator | |
RootHeader | |
NullInflator | |
RootInflator | |
RootPDU | |
RootSender | |
IncomingStreamTransport | |
IncomingTCPTransport | |
OutgoingTransport | |
TransportHeader | |
OutgoingUDPTransport | |
OutgoingUDPTransportImpl | |
IncomingUDPTransport | |
E131Device | |
E131DeviceOptions | |
E131Plugin | |
E131PortHelper | |
E131InputPort | |
E131OutputPort | |
espnet | Code for the ESPNet protocol |
EspNetDevice | |
EspNetNode | |
espnet_node_config_s | |
espnet_packet_union_t | |
EspNetPlugin | |
EspNetPortHelper | |
EspNetInputPort | |
EspNetOutputPort | |
RunLengthDecoder | |
ftdidmx | Code for FTDI devices |
FtdiDmxDevice | |
FtdiDmxPlugin | |
FtdiDmxOutputPort | |
FtdiDmxThread | |
FtdiWidgetInfo | This class holds information about an attached FTDI chip |
FtdiWidget | An FTDI widget |
FtdiInterface | |
gpio | The General Purpose digital I/O Plugin |
GPIODevice | The GPIO Device |
GPIODriver | Uses data in a DMXBuffer to drive GPIO pins |
Options | The Options |
GPIOPlugin | A plugin that drives general purpose digital I/O lines |
GPIOOutputPort | The GPIO Output port |
karate | Code for Karate devices |
KarateDevice | |
KarateLight | |
KaratePlugin | |
KarateOutputPort | |
KarateThread | |
kinet | Code for the Kinet protocol |
KiNetDevice | |
KiNetNode | |
KiNetPlugin | |
KiNetOutputPort | |
milinst | Code for Milford Instruments devices |
MilInstDevice | |
MilInstPlugin | |
MilInstOutputPort | |
MilInstWidget | |
MilInstWidget1463 | |
MilInstWidget1553 | |
opendmx | Code for the Enttec OpenDMX |
OpenDmxDevice | |
OpenDmxPlugin | |
OpenDmxOutputPort | |
OpenDmxThread | |
openpixelcontrol | The Open Pixel Control (OPC) plugin |
OPCClient | An Open Pixel Control client |
OPCServerDevice | |
OPCClientDevice | |
OPCPlugin | |
OPCInputPort | An InputPort for the OPC plugin |
OPCOutputPort | An OutputPort for the OPC plugin |
OPCServer | An Open Pixel Control server |
osc | Code for the OSC protocol |
OSCDevice | |
PortConfig | |
OSCNode | |
OSCNodeOptions | |
OSCPlugin | |
OSCInputPort | The Input Port class, for receiving DMX via OSC |
OSCOutputPort | |
OSCTarget | |
pathport | Code for the Pathport protocol |
PathportDevice | |
PathportNode | |
pathport_pdu_getrep_alv_s | |
PathportPlugin | |
PathportPortHelper | |
PathportInputPort | |
PathportOutputPort | |
renard | Code for Renard devices |
RenardDevice | |
RenardPlugin | |
RenardOutputPort | |
RenardWidget | |
sandnet | Code for the SandNet protocol |
SandNetDevice | |
SandNetNode | |
SandNetPlugin | |
SandNetPortHelper | |
SandNetInputPort | |
SandNetOutputPort | |
shownet | Code for the Strand ShowNet protocol |
ShowNetDevice | |
ShowNetNode | |
shownet_packet | |
ShowNetPlugin | |
ShowNetInputPort | |
ShowNetOutputPort | |
spi | Code for SPI devices |
FakeSPIWriter | |
SPIBackendInterface | |
HardwareBackend | |
Options | |
SoftwareBackend | |
Options | |
FakeSPIBackend | |
SPIDevice | |
SPIOutput | |
Options | |
SPIPlugin | |
SPIOutputPort | |
SPIWriterInterface | |
SPIWriter | |
Options | |
stageprofi | Code for Stageprofi devices |
StageProfiDetector | |
StageProfiDevice | |
StageProfiPlugin | |
StageProfiOutputPort | An OutputPort for the StageProfi Device |
StageProfiWidget | |
uartdmx | Code for UART DMX devices |
UartDmxDevice | |
UartDmxPlugin | |
UartDmxOutputPort | |
UartDmxThread | |
UartWidget | |
usbdmx | The plugin for hardware using libusb |
AnymaThreadedSender | |
AnymaAsyncUsbSender | |
AnymauDMX | The base class for Anyma Widgets |
SynchronousAnymauDMX | An Anyma widget that uses synchronous libusb operations |
AsynchronousAnymauDMX | An Anyma widget that uses asynchronous libusb operations |
AnymauDMXFactory | Creates Anyma widgets |
AsyncPluginImpl | The asynchronous libusb implementation |
AsyncUsbSender | A base class that send DMX data asynchronously to a libusb_device |
EuroliteProThreadedSender | |
EuroliteProAsyncUsbSender | |
EurolitePro | The EurolitePro Widget |
SynchronousEurolitePro | An EurolitePro widget that uses synchronous libusb operations |
AsynchronousEurolitePro | An EurolitePro widget that uses asynchronous libusb operations |
EuroliteProFactory | Creates EurolitePro widgets |
FirmwareLoader | |
GenericDevice | A Generic device |
GenericOutputPort | A thin wrapper around a Widget so that it can operate as a Port |
JaRuleDevice | A JaRule device |
JaRuleEndpoint | Handles communication with a Ja Rule USB Endpoint. This class manages sending commands to the Ja Rule device. It builds the frame and handles the USB transfers required to send the command to the device and retrieve the response |
JaRuleFactory | Creates Ja Rule widgets |
JaRuleOutputPort | A thin wrapper around a JaRuleWidget so that it can operate as an OLA Port |
JaRuleWidget | Represents a Ja Rule hardware widget |
JaRuleWidgetImpl | The internal implementation of a JaRuleWidget |
LibUsbAdaptor | Wraps calls to libusb so we can test the code |
DeviceInformation | |
BaseLibUsbAdaptor | The base LibUsbAdaptor that passes most calls through to libusb |
SyncronousLibUsbAdaptor | A LibUsbAdaptor for use with Syncronous widgets |
AsyncronousLibUsbAdaptor | A LibUsbAdaptor for use with Asyncronous widgets |
LibUsbThread | The base class for the dedicated libusb thread |
LibUsbSimpleThread | The non-hotplug version of LibUsbThread |
PluginImplInterface | The interface for an implementation of the USB DMX plugin |
FadecandyThreadedSender | |
FadecandyAsyncUsbSender | |
ScanlimeFadecandy | The interface for the Fadecandy Widgets |
SynchronousScanlimeFadecandy | An Fadecandy widget that uses synchronous libusb operations |
AsynchronousScanlimeFadecandy | An Fadecandy widget that uses asynchronous libusb operations |
ScanlimeFadecandyFactory | Creates Fadecandy widgets |
SunliteThreadedSender | |
SunliteAsyncUsbSender | |
Sunlite | The interface for the Sunlite Widgets |
SynchronousSunlite | An Sunlite widget that uses synchronous libusb operations |
AsynchronousSunlite | An Sunlite widget that uses asynchronous libusb operations |
SunliteFactory | Creates SunLite widgets |
SunliteFirmwareLoader | |
SyncPluginImpl | The legacy implementation |
SyncronizedWidgetObserver | Transfers widget add/remove events to another thread |
ThreadedUsbSender | Send DMX data using libusb, from a separate thread |
UsbDmxPlugin | A plugin that uses libusb to communicate with USB devices |
VellemanThreadedSender | |
VellemanAsyncUsbSender | |
VellemanK8062 | The interface for the Velleman Widgets |
SynchronousVellemanK8062 | An Velleman widget that uses synchronous libusb operations |
AsynchronousVellemanK8062 | An Velleman widget that uses asynchronous libusb operations |
VellemanK8062Factory | Creates Velleman widgets |
Widget | The interface for an generic USB Widget |
BaseWidget | A base widget class |
WidgetObserver | Receives notifications when Widgets are added or removed |
WidgetFactory | Creates new Widget objects to represent DMX USB hardware |
BaseWidgetFactory | A partial implementation of WidgetFactory |
usbpro | Code for Enttec USB Pro devices and others using the same protocol |
ArduinoRGBDevice | |
ArduinoRGBOutputPort | |
ArduinoWidgetImpl | |
ArduinoWidget | |
BaseRobeWidget | |
DispatchingRobeWidget | |
BaseUsbProWidget | |
DispatchingUsbProWidget | |
DmxterDevice | |
DmxterOutputPort | |
DmxterWidgetImpl | |
DmxterWidget | |
DmxTriDevice | |
DmxTriOutputPort | |
DmxTriWidgetImpl | |
DmxTriWidget | |
EnttecUsbProWidgetImpl | |
EnttecPort | |
EnttecUsbProWidget | |
EnttecUsbProWidgetOptions | |
OperationLabels | |
EnttecPortImpl | |
usb_pro_parameters | |
GenericUsbProWidget | |
RobeDevice | |
RobeInputPort | |
RobeOutputPort | |
RobeWidgetImpl | |
RobeWidget | |
RobeWidgetInformation | |
RobeWidgetDetector | |
SerialWidgetInterface | |
UltraDMXProDevice | |
UltraDMXProInputPort | |
UltraDMXProOutputPort | |
UltraDMXProWidget | |
UsbProDevice | |
UsbProInputPort | |
UsbProOutputPort | |
UsbProWidgetInformation | |
UsbProWidgetDetector | |
UsbSerialDevice | |
UsbSerialPlugin | |
WidgetDetectorInterface | |
NewWidgetHandler | |
WidgetDetectorThread | |
rdm | PLASA E1.20 Remote Device Management |
QueuedResponse | |
DescriptorConsistencyChecker | |
FakeNetworkManager | An implementation of NetworkManagerInterface which simulates a network configuration |
StaticGroupTokenCalculator | |
GroupSizeCalculator | |
NetworkManager | A NetworkManager which reflects the actual host network configuration |
PidStoreLoader | |
FakeSensor | |
VariableFieldSizeCalculator | |
AckTimerResponder | |
AdvancedDimmerResponder | |
CommandPrinter | |
DimmerResponder | |
DimmerRootDevice | |
DimmerSubDevice | |
DiscoveryTargetInterface | The interface used by the DiscoveryTarget to send RDM commands |
DiscoveryAgent | An asyncronous RDM Discovery algorithm |
DummyResponder | |
MessageDeserializer | |
MessageSerializer | |
MovingLightResponder | |
NetworkManagerInterface | Gets global network information |
NetworkResponder | |
RootPidStore | The root of the RDM parameter descriptor store |
PidStore | Holds the PidDescriptors for a single manufacturer |
PidDescriptor | |
PidStoreHelper | |
QueueingRDMController | |
outstanding_rdm_request | |
DiscoverableQueueingRDMController | |
StatusMessage | |
ParameterDescriptor | |
SensorDescriptor | |
QueuedMessageHandler | |
ResponseStatus | Represents the state of a response and/or any error codes |
RDMAPIImplInterface | This is the interface for an RDMAPI implementation |
RDMCommand | The base class that all RDM requests & responses inherit from |
RDMRequest | RDM Commands that represent requests (GET, SET or DISCOVER) |
OverrideOptions | |
RDMGetSetRequest | An RDM Get / Set Request |
BaseRDMRequest | |
RDMResponse | An RDM Command that represents responses (GET, SET or DISCOVER) |
RDMGetSetResponse | The base class for GET/SET responses |
BaseRDMResponse | |
RDMDiscoveryRequest | An RDM request of type DISCOVER_COMMAND |
RDMDiscoveryResponse | An RDM response of type DISCOVER_COMMAND |
RDMCommandSerializer | Serializes RDMCommands |
DiscoverableRDMControllerAdaptor | |
RDMControllerInterface | The interface that can send RDMRequest |
DiscoverableRDMControllerInterface | The interface that can send RDM commands, as well as perform discovery operations |
RDMFrame | The raw data for a RDM message and its associated timing information |
Options | |
RDMMessagePrinter | |
ProxiedDevicesPrinter | |
StatusMessagePrinter | |
SupportedParamsPrinter | |
DeviceInfoPrinter | |
LabelPrinter | |
ProductIdPrinter | |
LanguageCapabilityPrinter | |
ClockPrinter | |
SlotInfoPrinter | |
SensorDefinitionPrinter | |
RDMCommandHeader | |
RDMReply | Holds the final state of an RDM request |
ResponderHelper | |
LoadSensor | |
ResponderOps | A class which dispatches RDM requests to registered PID handlers |
ParamHandler | Structure that defines the behaviour for a specific PID.o |
Personality | |
PersonalityCollection | |
PersonalityManager | |
Sensor | Holds information about a single sensor |
SensorOptions | |
SettingInterface | The base class all Settings inherit from |
BasicSetting | A Setting which has a description and no other properties |
FrequencyModulationSetting | A PWM Frequency Setting. See Section 4.10 of E1.37-1 |
FrequencyModulationArg | The constructor argument for the FrequencyModulationSetting |
SettingCollection | Holds the list of settings for a class of responder. A single instance is shared between all responders of the same type. Subclass this and use a singleton |
SettingManager | |
SlotData | Holds information about a single DMX slot |
SlotDataCollection | Holds information about a set of slots |
SensorResponder | |
StringMessageBuilder | |
SubDeviceDispatcher | |
UID | Represents a RDM UID |
UIDAllocator | Allocate UIDs from a pool |
UIDSet | Represents a set of RDM UIDs |
rpc | The RPC (Remote Procedure Call) system |
OutstandingRequest | |
OutstandingResponse | |
RpcChannel | The RPC channel used to communicate between the client and the server. This implementation runs over a ConnectedDescriptor which means it can be used over TCP or pipes |
RpcController | A RpcController object is passed every time an RPC is invoked and is used to indicate the success or failure of the RPC |
RpcHeader | |
RpcPeer | |
RpcServer | An RPC server |
Options | Options for the RpcServer |
RpcService | |
RpcSession | Represents the RPC session between a client and server |
RpcSessionHandlerInterface | Used to receive notifications of RPC client session activity |
stl | STL Helper functions |
strings | |
_ToHex | |
testing | Code used for unit testing |
MockUDPSocket | |
SocketVerifier | |
thread | Threads and syncronization mechanisms |
CallbackThread | A thread which executes a Callback |
ConsumerThread | |
ExecutorInterface | Defer execution of a callback |
ExecutorThread | Enables callbacks to be executed in a separate thread |
Future | |
Future< void > | |
FutureImpl | |
FutureImpl< void > | |
Mutex | |
MutexLocker | |
ConditionVariable | |
SchedulerInterface | Allows Callbacks to be scheduled to run after a specified interval |
SchedulingExecutorInterface | Combines the ExecutorInterface and the SchedulerInterface |
SignalThread | |
Thread | |
Options | Thread options |
ThreadPool | |
timecode | Timecode |
TimeCode | |
web | Classes to deal with web services |
OptionalItem | |
PointerTracker | Maintains a Json Pointer (RFC 6901) given a set of Json parse events |
SchemaErrorLogger | The SchemaErrorLogger captures errors while parsing the schema |
SchemaParseContextInterface | The interface all SchemaParseContext classes inherit from |
ObjectParseContext | A SchemaParseContext that keeps track of the last keyword / property seen |
StrictTypedParseContext | A SchemaParseContext that reports errors for all types |
DefinitionsParseContext | The context for schema definitions |
SchemaParseContext | |
PropertiesParseContext | |
ArrayOfSchemaContext | Parse the array of objects in an 'items' property |
ArrayOfStringsContext | The context for an array of strings |
JsonValueContext | The context for a default value |
ArrayOfJsonValuesContext | The context for an array of JsonValues |
DependencyParseContext | The context for a dependency object |
SchemaParser | Build the tree of validators and a SchemaDefinitions object from a JSON Schema |
JsonValueVisitorInterface | The interface for the JsonValueVisitor class |
JsonValueConstVisitorInterface | The const interface for the JsonValueVisitor class |
JsonValue | The base class for JSON values |
JsonLeafValue | A base class used to describe values which are leafs of a JSON tree |
JsonString | A string value |
JsonNumber | JsonNumber is the base class for various integer / number classes |
JsonUInt | An unsigned 32bit int value |
JsonInt | A signed 32bit int value |
JsonUInt64 | An unsigned 64bit int value |
JsonInt64 | A signed 64bit int value |
JsonDouble | A double value |
DoubleRepresentation | Represents a JSON double value broken down as separate components |
JsonBool | A Bool value |
JsonNull | The null value |
JsonRawValue | A raw value, useful if you want to cheat |
JsonObject | A JSON object. JSON Objects are key : value mappings, similar to dictionaries in Python |
JsonArray | An array of JSON values. Arrays in JSON can contain values of different types |
JsonObjectPropertyVisitor | A class used to visit Json values within a JsonObject |
JsonData | Represents a JSON text as defined in section 2 of RFC7158 |
JsonLexer | Parse a string containing Json data |
JsonParserInterface | The interface used to handle tokens during JSON parsing |
JsonParser | A JsonParserInterface implementation that builds a tree of JsonValues |
JsonPatchOp | A class to serialize a JSONValue to text |
JsonPatchAddOp | Add a JsonValue |
JsonPatchRemoveOp | Remove the value at the specifed path |
JsonPatchReplaceOp | Replace the value at the specifed path |
JsonPatchMoveOp | Move a value from one location to another |
JsonPatchCopyOp | Copy a value from one location to another |
JsonPatchTestOp | Test a path matches the specified value |
JsonPatchSet | An ordered collection of JsonPatchOps |
JsonPatchParser | Parse a JSON Patch document (RFC 6902) |
JsonPointer | A JSON pointer (RFC 6901) refers to a possible element in a JSON data structure |
Iterator | An iterator for traversing a JsonPointer |
ValidatorInterface | The interface Json Schema Validators |
BaseValidator | The base class for Json BaseValidators. All Visit methods return false |
WildcardValidator | The wildcard validator matches everything. This corresponds to the empty schema, i.e. {} |
ReferenceValidator | A reference validator holds a pointer to another schema |
StringValidator | The validator for JsonString |
Options | |
BoolValidator | The validator for JsonBool |
NullValidator | The validator for JsonNull |
NumberConstraint | The base class for constraints that can be applies to the Json number type |
MultipleOfConstraint | Confirms the valid is a multiple of the specified value |
MaximumConstraint | Enforces a maximum |
MinimumConstraint | Enforces a minimum |
IntegerValidator | The validator for Json integers |
NumberValidator | The validator for Json numbers |
ObjectValidator | The validator for JsonObject |
Options | |
ArrayValidator | The validator for JsonArray |
AdditionalItems | |
Items | |
Options | |
ConjunctionValidator | The base class for validators that operate with a list of child validators (allOf, anyOf, oneOf) |
AllOfValidator | A validator which ensures all child validators pass (allOf) |
AnyOfValidator | A validator which ensures at least one of the child validators pass (anyOf) |
OneOfValidator | A validator which ensures at only one of the child validators pass (oneOf) |
NotValidator | A validator that inverts the result of the child (not) |
SchemaDefinitions | |
JsonSchema | A JsonHandlerInterface implementation that builds a parse tree |
GenericItem | |
StringItem | |
UIntItem | |
BoolItem | |
HiddenItem | |
SelectItem | |
JsonSection | |
JsonWriter | A class to serialize a JSONValue to text |
Action | |
ActionQueue | |
ArrayDeleter | Deletes an array when it goes out of scope |
PasswdEntry | Contains information about a user |
GroupEntry | Contains information about a group |
FlagInterface | The interface for the Flag classes |
BaseFlag | The common implementation |
Flag | A templated Flag class |
Flag< bool > | Bool flag |
Flag< std::string > | String flag |
FlagRegistry | This class holds all the flags, and is responsbile for parsing the command line |
FlagRegisterer | This class is responsible for registering a flag |
BaseCallback0 | The base class for all 0 argument callbacks |
Callback0 | A 0 argument callback which can be called multiple times |
SingleUseCallback0 | A 0 argument callback which deletes itself after it's run |
SingleUseCallback0< void > | A 0 arg, single use callback that returns void |
FunctionCallback0_0 | A Function callback with 0 create-time args and 0 exec time args |
MethodCallback0_0 | A Method callback with 0 create-time args and 0 exec time args |
FunctionCallback1_0 | A Function callback with 1 create-time args and 0 exec time args |
MethodCallback1_0 | A Method callback with 1 create-time args and 0 exec time args |
FunctionCallback2_0 | A Function callback with 2 create-time args and 0 exec time args |
MethodCallback2_0 | A Method callback with 2 create-time args and 0 exec time args |
FunctionCallback3_0 | A Function callback with 3 create-time args and 0 exec time args |
MethodCallback3_0 | A Method callback with 3 create-time args and 0 exec time args |
FunctionCallback4_0 | A Function callback with 4 create-time args and 0 exec time args |
MethodCallback4_0 | A Method callback with 4 create-time args and 0 exec time args |
BaseCallback1 | The base class for all 1 argument callbacks |
Callback1 | A 1 argument callback which can be called multiple times |
SingleUseCallback1 | A 1 argument callback which deletes itself after it's run |
SingleUseCallback1< void, Arg0 > | A 1 arg, single use callback that returns void |
FunctionCallback0_1 | A Function callback with 0 create-time args and 1 exec time args |
MethodCallback0_1 | A Method callback with 0 create-time args and 1 exec time args |
FunctionCallback1_1 | A Function callback with 1 create-time args and 1 exec time args |
MethodCallback1_1 | A Method callback with 1 create-time args and 1 exec time args |
FunctionCallback2_1 | A Function callback with 2 create-time args and 1 exec time args |
MethodCallback2_1 | A Method callback with 2 create-time args and 1 exec time args |
FunctionCallback3_1 | A Function callback with 3 create-time args and 1 exec time args |
MethodCallback3_1 | A Method callback with 3 create-time args and 1 exec time args |
FunctionCallback4_1 | A Function callback with 4 create-time args and 1 exec time args |
MethodCallback4_1 | A Method callback with 4 create-time args and 1 exec time args |
BaseCallback2 | The base class for all 2 argument callbacks |
Callback2 | A 2 argument callback which can be called multiple times |
SingleUseCallback2 | A 2 argument callback which deletes itself after it's run |
SingleUseCallback2< void, Arg0, Arg1 > | A 2 arg, single use callback that returns void |
FunctionCallback0_2 | A Function callback with 0 create-time args and 2 exec time args |
MethodCallback0_2 | A Method callback with 0 create-time args and 2 exec time args |
FunctionCallback1_2 | A Function callback with 1 create-time args and 2 exec time args |
MethodCallback1_2 | A Method callback with 1 create-time args and 2 exec time args |
FunctionCallback2_2 | A Function callback with 2 create-time args and 2 exec time args |
MethodCallback2_2 | A Method callback with 2 create-time args and 2 exec time args |
FunctionCallback3_2 | A Function callback with 3 create-time args and 2 exec time args |
MethodCallback3_2 | A Method callback with 3 create-time args and 2 exec time args |
FunctionCallback4_2 | A Function callback with 4 create-time args and 2 exec time args |
MethodCallback4_2 | A Method callback with 4 create-time args and 2 exec time args |
BaseCallback3 | The base class for all 3 argument callbacks |
Callback3 | A 3 argument callback which can be called multiple times |
SingleUseCallback3 | A 3 argument callback which deletes itself after it's run |
SingleUseCallback3< void, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 > | A 3 arg, single use callback that returns void |
FunctionCallback0_3 | A Function callback with 0 create-time args and 3 exec time args |
MethodCallback0_3 | A Method callback with 0 create-time args and 3 exec time args |
FunctionCallback1_3 | A Function callback with 1 create-time args and 3 exec time args |
MethodCallback1_3 | A Method callback with 1 create-time args and 3 exec time args |
FunctionCallback2_3 | A Function callback with 2 create-time args and 3 exec time args |
MethodCallback2_3 | A Method callback with 2 create-time args and 3 exec time args |
FunctionCallback3_3 | A Function callback with 3 create-time args and 3 exec time args |
MethodCallback3_3 | A Method callback with 3 create-time args and 3 exec time args |
FunctionCallback4_3 | A Function callback with 4 create-time args and 3 exec time args |
MethodCallback4_3 | A Method callback with 4 create-time args and 3 exec time args |
BaseCallback4 | The base class for all 4 argument callbacks |
Callback4 | A 4 argument callback which can be called multiple times |
SingleUseCallback4 | A 4 argument callback which deletes itself after it's run |
SingleUseCallback4< void, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > | A 4 arg, single use callback that returns void |
FunctionCallback0_4 | A Function callback with 0 create-time args and 4 exec time args |
MethodCallback0_4 | A Method callback with 0 create-time args and 4 exec time args |
FunctionCallback1_4 | A Function callback with 1 create-time args and 4 exec time args |
MethodCallback1_4 | A Method callback with 1 create-time args and 4 exec time args |
FunctionCallback2_4 | A Function callback with 2 create-time args and 4 exec time args |
MethodCallback2_4 | A Method callback with 2 create-time args and 4 exec time args |
FunctionCallback3_4 | A Function callback with 3 create-time args and 4 exec time args |
MethodCallback3_4 | A Method callback with 3 create-time args and 4 exec time args |
FunctionCallback4_4 | A Function callback with 4 create-time args and 4 exec time args |
MethodCallback4_4 | A Method callback with 4 create-time args and 4 exec time args |
CallbackRunner | Automatically execute a callback when it goes out of scope |
BaseTimeVal | |
TimeInterval | |
TimeStamp | |
Clock | Used to get the current time |
MockClock | |
DmxBuffer | Used to hold a single universe of DMX data |
BaseVariable | The base variable class |
VariableLessThan | |
BoolVariable | A boolean variable |
StringVariable | |
IntegerVariable | |
CounterVariable | |
MapVariable | |
IntMap | |
UIntMap | |
ExportMap | A container for the exported variables |
LogDestination | The base class for log destinations |
StdErrorLogDestination | A LogDestination that writes to stderr |
SyslogDestination | An abstract base of LogDestination that writes to syslog |
UnixSyslogDestination | A SyslogDestination that writes to Unix syslog |
MultiCallback | Takes a limit & a callback. When the Run() method is called limit times, the callback is executed and the MultiCallback object deleted |
BackOffPolicy | |
ConstantBackoffPolicy | |
LinearBackoffPolicy | |
ExponentialBackoffPolicy | |
BackoffGenerator | |
SequenceNumber | SequenceNumber, this ensures that we increment the sequence number whenever we go to use it |
Watchdog | Detects if an operation stalls |
AbstractDevice | |
Device | |
DmxSource | |
AbstractPlugin | |
PluginLessThan | |
Plugin | |
PluginAdaptor | |
Port | The base port class |
InputPort | A port that receives DMX512 data |
OutputPort | A port that sends DMX512 data |
BasicInputPort | |
BasicOutputPort | |
PortBrokerInterface | |
PortBroker | |
Validator | |
StringValidator | |
SetValidator | |
BoolValidator | |
UIntValidator | |
IntValidator | |
IPv4Validator | |
Preferences | |
PreferencesFactory | |
MemoryPreferences | |
MemoryPreferencesFactory | |
FilePreferenceSaverThread | |
FileBackedPreferences | |
FileBackedPreferencesFactory | |
TokenBucket | |
Universe | |
OlaCallbackClient | The legacy callback client |
PluginState | |
EntryGroupParams | |
AvahiDiscoveryAgent | An implementation of DiscoveryAgentInterface that uses the Avahi client library |
DNSSDDescriptor | |
BonjourDiscoveryAgent | An implementation of DiscoveryAgentInterface that uses the Apple dns_sd.h library |
Client | Represents a connected OLA client on the OLA server side |
ClientBroker | Handles async client operations |
device_alias_pair | |
DeviceManager | Keeps track of OLA's devices |
DiscoveryAgentInterface | The interface to DNS-SD operations like register, browse etc |
RegisterOptions | Options for the RegisterService method |
DiscoveryAgentFactory | A Factory which produces implementations of DiscoveryAgentInterface |
DynamicPluginLoader | A PluginLoader which loads from shared (dynamic) libraries |
BaseHttpAction | |
SetNameAction | |
SetMergeModeAction | |
PatchPortAction | |
PortPriorityInheritAction | |
PortPriorityStaticAction | |
OlaDaemon | |
OladHTTPServer | |
OladHTTPServerOptions | |
OlaServer | The main OlaServer class |
Options | Options for the OlaServer |
OlaServerServiceImpl | The OLA Server RPC methods |
PluginLoader | The interface used to load plugins |
PluginManager | The manager of plugins |
PortManager | Responsible for performing Port operations |
RDMHTTPModule | |
UniverseStore | Maintains a collection of Universe objects |
FileGenerator | |
CppGenerator | |
ServiceGenerator | |
Options | |
OlaThread | |