Open Lighting Architecture  0.10.4
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cola::strings::_ToHex< T >
 Cola::network::AdvancedTCPConnectorAttempts to open a TCP connection until a failure limit is reached
 Cola::ArrayDeleterDeletes an array when it goes out of scope
 Cola::plugin::artnet::ArtNetNodeThe actual ArtNet Node
 Cola::plugin::usbdmx::AsyncUsbTransceiverBaseA base class that implements common functionality to send or receive DMX asynchronously to a libusb_device
 Cola::BaseCallback0< ReturnType >The base class for all 0 argument callbacks
 Cola::BaseCallback0< bool >
 Cola::BaseCallback0< void >
 Cola::BaseCallback1< ReturnType, Arg0 >The base class for all 1 argument callbacks
 Cola::BaseCallback1< void, Arg0 >
 Cola::BaseCallback1< void, ola::ActionQueue * >
 Cola::BaseCallback2< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1 >The base class for all 2 argument callbacks
 Cola::BaseCallback2< void, Arg0, Arg1 >
 Cola::BaseCallback2< void, ola::rdm::ola::rdm::RDMRequest *, ola::rdm::RDMCallback * >
 Cola::BaseCallback3< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 >The base class for all 3 argument callbacks
 Cola::BaseCallback3< void, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2 >
 Cola::BaseCallback4< ReturnType, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 >The base class for all 4 argument callbacks
 Cola::BaseCallback4< void, Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 >
 Cola::client::BaseClientWrapperThe base Client Wrapper class
 Cola::BaseVariableThe base variable class
 Cola::CallbackRunner< CallbackClass >Automatically execute a callback when it goes out of scope
 Cola::acn::CIDThe ACN component identifier
 Cola::ClientRepresents a connected OLA client on the OLA server side
 Cola::ClientBrokerHandles async client operations
 Cola::client::ClientTypesFactoryCreates OlaPlugin types from protocol buffer objects
 Cola::ClockUsed to get the current time
 Cola::DeviceManagerKeeps track of OLA's devices
 Cola::rdm::DiscoveryAgentAn asyncronous RDM Discovery algorithm
 Cola::DiscoveryAgentFactoryA Factory which produces implementations of DiscoveryAgentInterface
 Cola::DiscoveryAgentInterfaceThe interface to DNS-SD operations like register, browse etc
 Cola::rdm::DiscoveryTargetInterfaceThe interface used by the DiscoveryTarget to send RDM commands
 Cola::acn::DMPAddressData< type >
 Cola::DmxBufferUsed to hold a single universe of DMX data
 Cola::client::DMXMetadataMetadata that accompanies DMX packets
 Cola::web::JsonDouble::DoubleRepresentationRepresents a JSON double value broken down as separate components
 CExampleStdinHandler[Example] NOLINT(whitespace/comments)
 Cola::thread::ExecutorInterfaceDefer execution of a callback
 Cola::ExportMapA container for the exported variables
 Cola::FlagInterfaceThe interface for the Flag classes
 Cola::FlagRegistererThis class is responsible for registering a flag
 Cola::FlagRegistryThis class holds all the flags, and is responsbile for parsing the command line
 Cola::rdm::FrequencyModulationSetting::FrequencyModulationArgThe constructor argument for the FrequencyModulationSetting
 Cola::plugin::ftdidmx::FtdiWidgetAn FTDI widget
 Cola::plugin::ftdidmx::FtdiWidgetInfoThis class holds information about an attached FTDI chip
 Cola::thread::Future< T >
 Cola::thread::Future< void >
 Cola::thread::FutureImpl< T >
 Cola::thread::FutureImpl< void >
 Cola::GroupEntryContains information about a group
 Cola::usb::HotplugAgentDetects when USB devices are added or removed
 Cola::network::InterfacePickerGiven some intial parameters, find the best network interface to use
 Cola::network::IPV4AddressRepresents a IPv4 Address
 Cola::web::JsonPointer::IteratorAn iterator for traversing a JsonPointer
 Cola::usb::JaRuleWidgetA Ja Rule hardware device (widget)
 Cola::usb::JaRuleWidgetPortThe internal model of a port on a JaRule device
 Cola::web::JsonDataRepresents a JSON text as defined in section 2 of RFC7158
 Cola::web::JsonLexerParse a string containing Json data
 Cola::web::JsonObjectPropertyVisitorA class used to visit Json values within a JsonObject
 Cola::web::JsonParserInterfaceThe interface used to handle tokens during JSON parsing
 Cola::web::JsonPatchOpA class to serialize a JSONValue to text
 Cola::web::JsonPatchSetAn ordered collection of JsonPatchOps
 Cola::web::JsonPointerA JSON pointer (RFC 6901) refers to a possible element in a JSON data structure
 Cola::web::JsonSchemaA JsonHandlerInterface implementation that builds a parse tree
 Cola::web::JsonValueThe base class for JSON values
 Cola::web::JsonValueConstVisitorInterfaceThe const interface for the JsonValueVisitor class
 Cola::web::JsonValueVisitorInterfaceThe interface for the JsonValueVisitor class
 Cola::usb::LibUsbAdaptorWraps calls to libusb so we can test the code
 Cola::io::LinuxHelperA static class containing platform-specific helper code for Linux
 Cola::LogDestinationThe base class for log destinations
 Cola::network::MACAddressRepresents a MAC Address
 Cola::io::MemoryBlockA MemoryBlock encapsulates a chunk of memory. It's used by the IOQueue and IOStack classes
 Cola::io::MemoryBlockPoolMemoryBlockPool. This class is not thread safe
 Cola::rdm::NetworkManagerInterfaceGets global network information
 Cola::io::NonBlockingSenderWrite data to ConnectedDescriptors without blocking or losing data
 Cola::web::NumberConstraintThe base class for constraints that can be applies to the Json number type
 Cola::client::OlaClientThe callback based C++ client for OLA
 Cola::client::OlaDeviceRepresents a device
 Cola::client::OlaPluginRepresents a Plugin
 Cola::client::OlaPortThe base class that represents a port
 Cola::client::OlaUniverseRepresents a universe
 Cola::plugin::openpixelcontrol::OPCClientAn Open Pixel Control client
 Cola::plugin::openpixelcontrol::OPCServerAn Open Pixel Control server
 Cola::web::OptionalItem< T >
 Cola::web::OptionalItem< bool >
 Cola::web::OptionalItem< std::string >
 Cola::web::OptionalItem< uint64_t >
 Cola::thread::Thread::OptionsThread options
 Cola::rpc::RpcServer::OptionsOptions for the RpcServer
 Cola::acn::E131Node::OptionsOptions for the E131Node
 Cola::OlaServer::OptionsOptions for the OlaServer
 Cola::plugin::gpio::GPIODriver::OptionsThe Options
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< Target >::ParamHandlerStructure that defines the behaviour for a specific PID.o
 Cola::PasswdEntryContains information about a user
 Cola::acn::PDUBlock< C >
 Cola::acn::PDUBlock< ola::acn::PDU >
 Cola::rdm::PidStoreHolds the PidDescriptors for a single manufacturer
 Cola::plugin::usbdmx::PluginImplInterfaceThe interface for an implementation of the USB DMX plugin
 Cola::PluginLoaderThe interface used to load plugins
 Cola::PluginManagerThe manager of plugins
 Cola::client::PluginStateThe state of a plugin. This information can be used to detect conflicts between plugins
 Cola::web::PointerTrackerMaintains a Json Pointer (RFC 6901) given a set of Json parse events
 Cola::io::PollerInterfaceThe interface for the Poller classes
 Cola::PortThe base port class
 Cola::PortManagerResponsible for performing Port operations
 Cola::rdm::RDMAPIImplInterfaceThis is the interface for an RDMAPI implementation
 Cola::rdm::RDMCommandThe base class that all RDM requests & responses inherit from
 Cola::rdm::RDMCommandSerializerSerializes RDMCommands
 Cola::rdm::RDMControllerInterfaceThe interface that can send RDMRequest
 Cola::rdm::RDMFrameThe raw data for a RDM message and its associated timing information
 Cola::client::RDMMetadataMetadata that accompanies RDM Responses
 Cola::rdm::RDMReplyHolds the final state of an RDM request
 Cola::io::ReadFileDescriptorRepresents a file descriptor that supports reading data
 Cola::DiscoveryAgentInterface::RegisterOptionsOptions for the RegisterService method
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< Target >A class which dispatches RDM requests to registered PID handlers
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< AckTimerResponder >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< AdvancedDimmerResponder >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< DimmerRootDevice >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< DimmerSubDevice >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< DummyResponder >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< MovingLightResponder >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< NetworkResponder >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< ola::plugin::spi::SPIOutput >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< ola::rdm::AckTimerResponder >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< ola::rdm::AdvancedDimmerResponder >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< ola::rdm::DimmerRootDevice >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< ola::rdm::DimmerSubDevice >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< ola::rdm::DummyResponder >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< ola::rdm::MovingLightResponder >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< ola::rdm::NetworkResponder >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< ola::rdm::SensorResponder >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< SensorResponder >
 Cola::rdm::ResponderOps< SPIOutput >
 Cola::rdm::ResponseStatusRepresents the state of a response and/or any error codes
 Cola::client::ResultIndicates the result of a OLA API call
 Cola::rdm::RootPidStoreThe root of the RDM parameter descriptor store
 Cola::rpc::RpcChannelThe RPC channel used to communicate between the client and the server. This implementation runs over a ConnectedDescriptor which means it can be used over TCP or pipes
 Cola::rpc::RpcControllerA RpcController object is passed every time an RPC is invoked and is used to indicate the success or failure of the RPC
 Cola::rpc::RpcServerAn RPC server
 Cola::rpc::RpcSessionRepresents the RPC session between a client and server
 Cola::rpc::RpcSessionHandlerInterfaceUsed to receive notifications of RPC client session activity
 Cola::dmx::RunLengthEncoderEncode / Decode DMX data using Run Length Encoding
 Cola::thread::SchedulerInterfaceAllows Callbacks to be scheduled to run after a specified interval
 Cola::web::SchemaErrorLoggerThe SchemaErrorLogger captures errors while parsing the schema
 Cola::web::SchemaParseContextInterfaceThe interface all SchemaParseContext classes inherit from
 Cola::client::SendDMXArgsArguments passed to the SendDMX() method
 Cola::client::SendRDMArgsArguments used with OlaClient::RDMGet() and OlaClient::RDMSet() methods
 Cola::rdm::SensorHolds information about a single sensor
 Cola::SequenceNumber< sequence_type >SequenceNumber, this ensures that we increment the sequence number whenever we go to use it
 Cola::SequenceNumber< uint32_t >
 Cola::SequenceNumber< uint8_t >
 Cola::rdm::SettingCollection< SettingType >Holds the list of settings for a class of responder. A single instance is shared between all responders of the same type. Subclass this and use a singleton
 Cola::rdm::SettingCollection< BasicSetting >
 Cola::rdm::SettingCollection< ola::rdm::BasicSetting >
 Cola::rdm::SettingCollection< ola::rdm::FrequencyModulationSetting >
 Cola::rdm::SettingInterfaceThe base class all Settings inherit from
 Cola::rdm::SettingManager< SettingType >
 Cola::rdm::SettingManager< BasicSetting >
 Cola::rdm::SettingManager< ola::rdm::FrequencyModulationSetting >
 Cola::rdm::SlotDataHolds information about a single DMX slot
 Cola::rdm::SlotDataCollectionHolds information about a set of slots
 Cola::network::SocketAddressThe base SocketAddress
 Cola::network::SocketCloserAutomatically close a socket when it goes out of scope
 Cola::client::StreamingClientInterfaceThe interface for the StreamingClient class
 Cola::network::TCPConnectorAn class which manages non-blocking TCP connects
 Cola::io::TimeoutManagerManages timer events
 Cola::rdm::UIDRepresents a RDM UID
 Cola::rdm::UIDAllocatorAllocate UIDs from a pool
 Cola::rdm::UIDSetRepresents a set of RDM UIDs
 Cola::UniverseStoreMaintains a collection of Universe objects
 Cola::io::UnmanagedFileDescriptor_ltComparison operator for UnmanagedFileDescriptor
 Cola::base::VersionProvides version information. OLA Version numbers are in the form major.minor.revision e.g. 0.10.4
 Cola::WatchdogDetects if an operation stalls
 Cola::plugin::usbdmx::WidgetFactoryCreates new Widget objects to represent DMX USB hardware
 Cola::plugin::usbdmx::WidgetInterfaceThe interface for a simple widget that supports a single universe of DMX
 Cola::plugin::usbdmx::WidgetObserverReceives notifications when Widgets are added or removed
 Cola::io::WriteFileDescriptorRepresents a file descriptor that supports writing data