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src Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for src:


file  app.h [code]
file  coarse_timer.h [code]
 Provides a coarse timer for determining the elapsed time between two events.
file  constants.h [code]
 Various constants.
file  dimmer_model.h [code]
 An RDM Model for a dimmer with subdevices.
file  dmx_spec.h [code]
 Constants from the DMX (E1.11) specification.
file  flags.h [code]
 The Flags Module.
file  flags_private.h [code]
file  iovec.h [code]
 Vector I/O.
file  led_model.h [code]
 A LED RDM Model for controlling RGB pixels.
file  message.h [code]
 The host to device message data structure.
file  message_handler.h [code]
 Handle messages from the Host.
file  moving_light.h [code]
 An RDM Model for a moving light.
file  network_model.h [code]
 A network-only RDM Model, this supports all the PIDs from E1.37-2.
file  proxy_model.h [code]
 An RDM Model for a proxy.
file  random.h [code]
 Pseduo random number generator.
file  rdm.h [code]
 Remote Device Management.
file  rdm_buffer.h [code]
 The memory buffer used to construct the RDM response.
file  rdm_frame.h [code]
 Remote Device Management.
file  rdm_handler.h [code]
 The handler for RDM requests.
file  rdm_model.h [code]
 The API for an RDM Model implementation.
file  rdm_responder.h [code]
 The base RDM Responder.
file  rdm_util.h [code]
 RDM Helper functions.
file  receiver_counters.h [code]
 Counters for the DMX/RDM receiver.
file  responder.h [code]
 The Responder Subsystem.
file  sensor_model.h [code]
 A sensor-only RDM Model.
file  setting_macros.h [code]
 Expand configuration settings to symbols.
file  spi.h [code]
 SPI Driver.
file  spi_rgb.h [code]
 Control RGB Pixels using SPI.
file  stream_decoder.h [code]
 Unpack messages from the host.
file  syslog.h [code]
 The upper layer of the Logging subsystem.
file  temperature.h [code]
 Reads the temperature sensor(s).
file  transceiver.h [code]
 The DMX512 / RDM Transceiver.
file  transceiver_timing.h [code]
 The timing constants for the 485 Transceiver.
file  transport.h [code]
 The Host <-> Device communication transport.
file  usb_console.h [code]
 A logging transport that uses a USB serial console.
file  usb_descriptors.h [code]
 USB Descriptors.
file  usb_transport.h [code]
 A USB Transport.
file  utils.h [code]
 Helper utilities.