Files |
file | AckTimerResponder.h [code] |
| This responder implements the code needed to deal with AckTimers.
file | AdvancedDimmerResponder.h [code] |
| Soft responder that implements a Dimmer that supports E1.37-1 PIDs.
file | CommandPrinter.h [code] |
file | DimmerResponder.h [code] |
| A soft responder that acts like an RDM enabled dimmer with sub devices.
file | DimmerRootDevice.h [code] |
| Soft responder that implements the Root device in the DimmerResponder.
file | DimmerSubDevice.h [code] |
| A soft responder that impements a SubDevice in DimmerResponder.
file | DiscoveryAgent.h [code] |
| Implements the RDM Discovery algorithm.
file | DummyResponder.h [code] |
| Basic soft RDM responder.
file | MessageDeserializer.h [code] |
| Inflate a message from raw data.
file | MessageSerializer.h [code] |
| Serialize an RDM message.
file | MovingLightResponder.h [code] |
| A soft RDM responder that implements the basics of a moving light responder.
file | NetworkManagerInterface.h [code] |
| The interface for the NetworkManager.
file | NetworkResponder.h [code] |
| An RDM responder that supports E1.37-2 PIDs.
file | OpenLightingEnums.h [code] |
| Provide OLA's RDM Manufacturer PIDs & Model IDs.
file | PidStore.h [code] |
| Holds information about RDM PIDs.
file | PidStoreHelper.h [code] |
| Provides helper methods for loading / accessing the pid store, and dealing with pids.
file | QueueingRDMController.h [code] |
| An RDM Controller that queues messages and only sends a single message at a time.
file | RDMAPI.h [code] |
| Provide a generic RDM API that can use different implementations.
file | RDMAPIImplInterface.h [code] |
| The interface for an RDM API Implementation.
file | RDMCommand.h [code] |
| Classes that represent RDM commands.
file | RDMCommandSerializer.h [code] |
| Write RDMCommands to a memory buffer.
file | RDMControllerAdaptor.h [code] |
| Allows an RDMControllerInterface to be used as an DiscoverableRDMControllerInterface.
file | RDMControllerInterface.h [code] |
| Definitions and Interfaces to implement an RDMController that sends a single message at a time.
file | RDMEnums.h [code] |
| Various constants used in RDM.
file | RDMFrame.h [code] |
file | RDMHelper.h [code] |
| Various misc RDM functions.
file | RDMMessagePrinters.h [code] |
| Used for displaying the RDM data to the command line.
file | RDMPacket.h [code] |
| Structures and constants used with RDM Packets.
file | RDMReply.h [code] |
file | ResponderHelper.h [code] |
| Helper methods for building RDM responders.
file | ResponderLoadSensor.h [code] |
| Holds the information about a load sensor.
file | ResponderOps.h [code] |
| A framework for building RDM responders.
file | ResponderOpsPrivate.h [code] |
| Private helper functions for building RDM responders.
file | ResponderPersonality.h [code] |
file | ResponderSensor.h [code] |
| Holds the information about a sensor.
file | ResponderSettings.h [code] |
file | ResponderSlotData.h [code] |
| Holds the information about DMX slots.
file | SensorResponder.h [code] |
| A soft RDM responder that has sensors.
file | StringMessageBuilder.h [code] |
| Builds a Messagse object from a list of strings and a Descriptor.
file | SubDeviceDispatcher.h [code] |
| Handles the dispatching of RDM requests to the correct sub device.
file | UID.h [code] |
| A RDM unique identifier (UID).
file | UIDAllocator.h [code] |
| A class to allocate UIDs.
file | UIDSet.h [code] |
| A set of UIDs.